"Want to come swimming with us?"

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Tw: abuse/death/scaring/bruising

You are filming a marvel film and on a cast BBQ stuff get revealed about your life

Age: around 14/15

It was the end of the day and you where finally done filming. Scarlett came walking towards you
"Hi y/n"
"Hi" you say
"We all want to have a cast BBQ, wanna come?"
"Yeah sure!"
"Okay see you at my place at 8! Oh and I almost forgot, bring your swimming clothes!"
She says while walking away
Shit you thought.

You where biking to Scarlett's house when Chris (e) rides passed you in his big truck. He slows down and lowers his window
"Hey kiddo! Wanna ride? Il put your bike in the back!"
"Yes please thank you!"
You get into the car after you got your bike in the back of the truck
"So, are your exited?"
You are quit the whole ride
You get to Scarlett's house and greet Scarlett with a smile and a small hug and walk away into the yard

Chris walks to Scarlett
"Something is up with the kid, she's been quit. That's nothing like her" he says
"Yeah, i noticed" Scarlett responds

She decides she just lets you be but she keeps an eye on you. You've been sitting alone in the grass looking at flowers and little insects crawling in the grass when you feel someone sit next to you

"It's quite magical, nature. Isn't it?" Florence says
"Yeah" you almost whisper
"You okay? Isn't that sweater a little bit to hot for this warm weather today?"
"No, i- I am cold"
"Oh, wel do you want to go swimming with me?"
"No" is the only thing you say
" Oh, okay then? Bye" she says back
You feel guilty but did the right thing.  Florence walks to Scarlett and tells her her worries 1 hour later Scarlett comes sitting next to you
"Alright, what is going on with you?"
"Y/n just tell me"
"Scarlett please, I honestly don't feel good and I really don't want to fight you right now"
"Honey your over heating, you need to go to the shadows, or take some clothing on"
"Scarlett please stop, just leave me alone"
You try to get away from her but you collapse on the ground from the heat
The cast comes running towards you
"You need to cool her down!" Robert says
And Scarlett takes of you sweater wishing she didn't. You are wearing a crop top underneath but under your sweater there are bruises, cuts and scars all over your torso.
Florence comes running with ice and water. She passes a cold cloth on your head and lays some ice in your neck
"Omg what happened to her" she asks
"Poor girl" Chris (h) says.
"Can someone get her inside on the couch? We should give her some space" Scarlett says
And Chris (e) picks your op and brings you downstairs. Scarlett closes the curtains and puts the airconditioning on to cool you down. Everyone leaves you for some space except for Scarlett who wants to make sure your okay
"Y/n honey, please wake up okay?"
5 minutes Florence walks in
"You don't think it's time to call an ambulance now?"
"I don't know, I'm giving her 2 more minutes"
"Can I stay with you?" Florence asks
After 1 minutes you start waking up
"Y/n?" Scarlett asks
"I don't feel good" you whisper
You open you eyes an realize where you are and what you are wearing, wel
More of what you aren't wearing 
Your eyes widen
"I- I can explain"
"Not now honey, just relax" Scarlett says
She strokes your hair and flo leaves to get some water for you.
After five minutes you sit up
"I'm okay now, i Promise"
"You sure? Because if your not th-"
Scarlett gets cut of bye Chris
"Food is ready!, oh y/n your alive!"
You smile
"Wanna go eat?" Scarlett says
"Yeah" you say and you walk to the table leaving your sweater off

You sit on the table and everyone starts eating.
"Can I say something?" You ask and everyone goes quit
"I just wanted that I-"
You take a deep breath
"Four months ago my mom passed away, car accident. My father didn't took it wel and he started drinking, a-a lot. It didn't took him long until abuse started. Eventually I called child services and I've been in an orphanage for about 2 weeks now. So that's why I have all these bruises and scars. And that is probably why I've been quit for the passed few days, and I'm really sorry about it"
Everyone reacted really supportive and hugged you. After dinner everyone went swimming but you didn't want to.
Scarlett walked up to you.
"You don't have to be ashamed of your bruises or scares honey, just come have fun with us"
You smile at her but look down
After Scarlett left again you decided you wanted to swim. So you got changed. You walked to the pool and saw Scarlett and Florence laying on floties enjoying the sun and you saw the guys almost pranking them. You drew you attention to you and stopped them. They did and you smirked at them. You ran to the pool and jumped in making a wave of water washing over scar and flo. They scream and everyone starts laughing.
Everyone starts having fun and after 3 more hours everyone leaves. Your about to leave when Scarlett holds you back
"Y/n! Do you want to stay with me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just stay with me, I bet it's nicer here than in that orphanage"
"I wouldn't want to burden you scar"
"Please stay"
You get back inside and Scarlett shows you the guest bed room. 1 hour later Scarlett comes to check on you but you arnt in your bed. She starts to worry and loos everywhere's with you, but eventually she see you sitting outside in the dark
"Y/n? Why aren't you sleeping honey?"
"It's to quit"
Scarlett sits next to you
"What to you mean honey?"
"I never sleep alone, and I do it's never quit, there is always yelling, or TV"
"Do you want to sleep in my room with me?"
You nod and you both get up into her room. After 5 minutes you snuggle up to her side and you both fall asleep peacefully

Scarlett Johansson and character one shots                               Where stories live. Discover now