( Chapter - 2 )

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(Time skip to lunch time )

cuz Chanelbaby 🐥 is so lazy

" Y/n-yah ? " I hummed to Rosé , who is waiting for me while I am writing Lisa's note , she didn't wrote nothing in class cuz she was sleeping in class

Jk , Jimin and Lisa already gone to cafe while Rosé is waiting for me , really this chipmunk girl is so caring

" Let's go to cafe I am craving for food " Rosé sigh

" Oh Rosé don't wait for me , just go and eat with Lalice " I softly replied

" No , I don't want to leave you here alone, what if " She stopped

" What will happen ? " I frown in confuse

" Nothing !! " She get the notes from me and get up from seat

" What happened ? "

" Let's go " She hold my hand and drag me somewhere

She drag me inside the canteen then she look around , I just look her actions . Again she drag me to a seat then I saw Lisa , Jk and Jimin

" Oh , hey gu--" Lisa cutted by Rosé

" Do your own work or I will cut your precious bangs " Rosé threw the copy to Lisa which Lisa easily catch , Lisa rolled her eyes and put in the copies in her bag while Jk and Jimin is laughing , Lisa glare at them

Then Rosé sat with a sulk face and pull me to sit beside her , I sat politely ...

" Y/n-yah are you feeling uncomfortable ? " Rosé tap my shoulder , I shake my head as no

" Then sit comfortably " Rosé pat my hair , I sat comfortably

" So Y/n-shi what is your favourite food just tell me , today's treat is from our mochi " Jk wink at me

" Who is mochi ? " I ask

" Our Jimin-shi !! " JK explain

" Yeah Y/n-yah just say " Jimin smile at me

" Umm it's my first day so I want to just eat what you guys will prefer me "

" Okay so come with me " Again Rosé drag me to food counter also JK , Jimin and Lalisa follow us

We take our food and go to our seat to eat , we was eating and talking suddenly we heard a noise , we look at that direction and saw a girl was bulling by a rich beautiful girl who look like campus queen and she is surrounded by her disciple...

" Woah again she is bullying new students " Jimin said while sipping his sprite

" We should protect Y/n from her or she will bully her too " Rosé hug my side , the rest of them nodded

" Huh ? Who is she !?! " I ask them

" Jennie Ruby Jane Kim , the school owner's one and only daughter " Jk explain

" That's why she can bully anyone with freedom " Lisa sigh

" But she is pretty " They look at me in disbelief

" Don't think about her she is a devil , heartless girl , she can also kill you if she heard you like her " Jimin explain which give me shiver

" I didn't say that I like her also I hate rich peoples expect you guys " They all laughed

" Noone saw her never in happy mood , she always cold hearted "

I saw Jennie Ruby Jane Kim harshly slap the girl who looks like me , I mean poor . And also she pour the hot soup on her , the girl just keep hold her tears . I can't stop myself so I ran to them which make my friends shock.

Jennie Ruby Jane Kim was again about to slap her but I hold her hands to stop , everyone of canteen let out a gasp . I look at the eyes which become dark in angry...

She pull her hand and death glare at me which give me shiver in whole body . I also look at her eyes don't want to know her that I am scared .

One of her boy come and was about to punch my precious handsome face .

" Don't !! We will see her later " Jennie coldly said and go away also that boy follow her after give me a devilish smirk and push me but luckily I didn't fall .

I look around and kneel front of that girl . I saw her dress is runied also her reveling body is become red cuz of hot soup .

" Are you okay ? " I hold her shoulder cause whole time she is looking down , she nodded , I sigh cause she is lying

" Let's go to clinic you have to first aid " I help her to stand but she can't stand properly cuz they beat her so much

" Please don't mind I want to help I haven't any bad intension " I carry her in bridal style

My friends also come to us

" Is she okay ? " Lisa ask

" No , can you guys please show me where is the clinic " They nodded

" Can you carry her or you need help " Jk ask

" Bro I am not a weak log " I pout

" Honestly , you look like weak log " Rosé replied , they all laugh I just scoff

" Now guys let's go , we have treat her " Rosé said

Then we all walk to clinic as usual no-one is not in clinic .. I placed the girl on the bed carefully

" Rosé can you first aid her ? " I look at Rosé with hopefully , she smile and nodded

JK and Jimin handed her what was need for first aid also Lisa gave her extra clothes to that girl

" Okay we are waiting outside " Lisa said to Rosé , Rosé nodded

Lisa drag us to outside of clinic then we all let out sigh

" I am worrying about what happened awhile ago " Jk massage his temple

" Yeah me too , Jennie Kim said her next target is our Y/n-yah " Lisa intertwined her hand with me

" Who told you to be a hero there " Jimin shout at me

" I can't stop myself to not help the poor girl " I replied innocently

" Now you have to hide from Jennie Kim , it is the only way to revive from
her " JK explain

" How can she , when Jennie Kim is the owner of this college !! " Lisa said

" Guys don't worry I know how to protect myself " I replied with swag

" Aish ! She haven't any idea what will Jennie Kim can do " Lisa smack my head

" It's look like you will beat me before Jennie Ruby Jane Kim do " I rub my head where Lisa hit

" Yeah I want cuz you're dumb , silly
cub " Lisa again hit my arm

" Yah ! You monkey " I kick Lisa's leg which make her feel on ground by knee

" Aish !! You !! " Lisa was about to hit me again

Jimin and Jk hold her both arms

" Stop fighting with each other " Jk lil shout

" Kookie and Mochi leave me !! " Lisa try get off from their grip but she can't

" Lisa you know you look so good when you are smiling " I smirk at her , she just frown then the frown become a big laughter when I start to ticklish her ..

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