( Chapter -9 )

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At their class

" So how was your first day at cafe " Jk handed a banana milkshake to Y/n

" Nice , we enjoyed our first day " Y/n sip the banana shake

" Also there was so many hot , sexy , cute girls , I mean all types of girls " Lisa smirk

" Are you two flirt with them " Rosé squint her eyes to Lisa and Y/n

" Ani~We didn't but they were doin with us " Lisa explain , Rosé rolled her eyes

" Don't worry blondie who flirt with them , I kicked out them from my cafe " Jisoo sat beside Y/n and put her hands on
Y/n's shoulder , Y/n flinched and shocked also her friends

" WHAT !?!!? WHAT ARE YOU DOIN HERE !?!??" Y/n get up from her seat

" Just chill I just changed my collage to read with you guys here " Jisoo relaxed herself on the seat

" Ms.Jisoo you literally stalking me everywhere , it's not good " Y/n pout and sit on her seat

" Just chill , I like to stalk pudding everywhere " Jisoo pinch Y/n's cheeks

" You're lucky that I always stalk you "

" You're lucky that I always stalk you "

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" You should be embarrassed " Y/n sigh

" But I am not ,, baby " Jisoo flicked Y/n's forehead

Some students come to Jisoo to say 'hi' cuz Jisoo is famous in social media , even some of them give her some chocolates .

" I really don't know you're that famous " Jimin brush his hair by his hand

" Cuz you're dork " Jisoo sarcastically replied

" We don't have interest on you so we don't know you are famous or not Ms.Kim Jisoo " Jk rolled his eyes

Suddenly Mina come to the classroom and breath heavily ..

" Yah , Mina what's wrong " Y/n ran to Mina and pat her shoulder

" S-she , she !! " Mina point at classroom door

" Okay come and calm down " Y/n lead her to her seat , which is behind of Jimin

" What happened Mina ? " Jk ask

" She is here also she transfer her class !! " Mina breath out

" Can you say who ? " Jimin ask

" Kim Jennie !!! " Mina point at the classroom door , they all look at the door and widen their eyes

Y/n's pov

I didn't expect that.... she look around then our eyes meet . Her eyes give me shiver in full body .

" Oh no !! " Rosé whisper

" We are boomed !! " Lisa gulp

" Our bad time finally came " Jk cover his face with his bucket cap

Then she approach to us with a cold face ...She sat behind me , I can feel she is glaring my back ..My all friends go to their seats ..

" Why you all look so scared " Jisoo ask us

" You look this girl who sat behind me , she is a bully and also I am her next target " I stutteredly whisper her

" Really ? " We nodded

" That's mean my sister's target is you " Jisoo calmly said

" SISTER !?!!?!! " I yell and glance at my back , Jisoo nodded and smirk

Then our professor come to our class and look at Jisoo and Jennie then bowed and smile at them ...

" So students we have two new students , who joined today in our class , Ms.Jisoo Kim and Ms.Jennie Kim " Professor said , then some students start whistle and clap their hands .

" Welcome to our class Kim sisters " One boy get up from his seat and clap his hands

" Now stop this bullshit !!! " Jennie yell and slump her hand on desk , I startle cause I am front of her which is so bad ..

" OKay okay class calm down and sit down you boy " Professor gesture the boy to sit down , he nodded and sit down

Professor start to explain today's topic of class.....

In middle of class I put my hand on my hair then I feel something sticky on it , and it's SLIME !!!!! ......

" WHat the hell !!!! " I get up from my seat , then whole class look at me , I look back Jennie who is smirkin at me

" What happen !?!?? " Professor yell at me , I look forward at him

" Si--- "

" Get out from my class ruscal " Professor shout , I didn't say anything cause he will don't beleive it that Jennie Kim put slime on my hair

I was about to leave all class start to laugh expect my friends who look at me with sadness

" Look at her hair !! "

" Sticky picky hair "

" Poor girl need some money to clear her hair "

" She is a poor nerd !! "

I just sigh and left the class...Who pass the hallway laugh at me ... I hate my life !!

" Your bad days already come Y/n " I mumble and close my eyes

After some min , I felt somebody stand my sides .. I open my eyes and it's Lisa ..

" What !?! " I ask her in shock

" Why are you here Liz !?! " I whisperly ask

" You know we are partner in everything so how can I leave my gurl " Lisa smile at me

" You know we are partner in everything so how can I leave my gurl  " Lisa smile at me

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" Aww....I am goin to cry " I hug her and buried my face on her shoulder

" Love you my liz " Lisa pat my back

" But bro I think you have to cut your hairs , it's so sticky " She touch my hair , I just nodded on her shoulder .....

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now