( Chapter -3 )

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How are you guys ?🐥

Still Y/n's pov :

We was laughing , then Rosé call us inside , we go inside . I saw that girl is okay now .

" Are you now okay ?" I ask that girl

" Yeah , thank you for saving me " She smile at me but her smile suddenly gone

" But also you got trouble cause of me " She sigh and start fell guilty

" Don't worry , I can protect myself " I smile at her

" Btw , you didn't tell me your name " I said

" My name is Mina Sharon Myoi " That girl replied with a smile ..

" And myself Y/n " I handshake with Mina

" And this are all my friends Lisa , Rosé , Jungkook and Jimin " I point at my friends who are smiling at Mina

" Thank you to all for saving me " Mina thank us

" So , Mina why they were bullying you " Jimin ask

" I just sit beside them cuz there were no more empty seats " She sigh

" Then they start to mock me for being poor then I defense back and then they start to beat me " Mina breath out

" Yeah we get new member in our pour group " Jk laugh

" We all poor expect the parks " Lisa point at Rose and Jimin , then we all laugh at pouting Parks

" Yah !! Guys !!! " The Parks whine together

" Okay guys let's go , I didn't finish my banana milkshake " JK pout cutely , which make us awed at him

" Yeah we also have some time for lunch " Jimin reply after look at his rolex wrist watch , he is rich so the rolex watch ....

" Mina let's go you will eat with us " Lisa drag Mina outside also Jimin and Jk follow them leave me and Rosé alone in room again . Rosé get up from her seat and let out a big sigh . Then she pull me in a hug which make lil shock.

" What happen Rosé ? " I softly ask

" I'm just worried , What if Jen-- " I cutted her

" I already said don't worry , I will fine also I have already faced many wrost things in my past ----- so suffering with bully it's not a big deal for me " I pat her blonde hair , she break the hug and look at me then smile lil.

" Isn't our Rosé is hungry ?? " I pinch her cheeks , she nodded

" Okay let's go now or they will eat our all food " We left the clinic room

Again we go to our seat start eat our food

" So guys did you want to come my house for a sleepover also today is Friday and we can fun in our weekends in my penthouse " Jimin look at us with excitement .

" Wohooo , I'm in !!! " JK raise his hand excitedly.

" Also I am is there will food " Rosé chuckle while eating her food. We all laugh at her . They all look at me for my answer. I just keep eating cause I can't go, I have to spend my weekends with Halmoni cause I can't spend my whole week with her for my part-time job. Also I promised her I will take her to her village in this weekend .

" Me and Y/n can't go " Lisa explain rest of them gasp .

" Wae !?!! " They all said together

" Cause we spend our weekends with Halmoni also we planned we will go Halmoni's village in this weekend " Lisa explain them , then they look at me and I just nod.

" Lis, you can go I will tell Halmoni that you have a important thing " I replied but that is Lisa who never hear my words

" I want heal fresh air of village so please stop talking Y/n l " Lisa replied

" Umm....Y/n would you mind if I want to go with you and Lisa at your village " Rosé blink at me

" Wae !! What !?!? No !! " I deny her

" Wae !?!! " Rosé puppy eyed to me

" You can't stay there , we haven't there any air conditioner also sometime the power runs out " I explain her

" And I know you can't stay without electricity so it will be so
uncomfortable " I added

" Ani !!! I will go if you like it or not , I don't care , so just pick me today in evening " Rosé smirk and wipe her face with tissue

" Lisa !! Told her !! " I pointed at Rosé , Lisa just look away .. Yah !! This girl !!

" You should stop yourself cause you can't win over her " Jk laugh

" So Y/n " Rosé grab my face to look at her

" Okay Miss Park " I sigh and lil smile

" Wohoo " Rosé squeal in excitement , then she get a paper from her bag and wrote her address also her number on it then gave it to me ..

" So call me later " I nodded

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