( Chapter -7 )

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                           Y/n's pov

We all enter our apartment.The apartment look so lonely without Halmoni. I just straigtly go to my room and slump me on bed then cover myself with the blanket . Why this is happening with me ? Then somebody knock my door I am not feeling good so I ignore that .

" I am coming " It's Jisoo , I feel she sit the edge of bed , I just let out a sigh .

" Pudding don't be sad " Jisoo said

" Now let's go with me you have to eat something "

" Please I don't want "

" Y/n please !! "

Then suddenly my phone rang , I am also don't want to pick up the call ....

" Atleast pick up the call Y/n " Jisoo said

" Umm the number is saved with boss name " I suddenly wake up and take the phone from Jisoo then pick up call ..

In call

" Hello ? It's Lee Y/n ? " I hear Boss's cold tune which make me gulp

" Yeah boss it's me " I stuttred

" Y/n you and Lisa is fired , we don't need you two in this cafe anymore " My wrold stopped , how can I give rent of this house and also halmoni's hospital bills , medicine .

" But Boss----"

" I said we don't need you and Lisa in our cafe so don't your to here anymore " Then he cut the call .

On other side of phone :

The owner of cafe cut the call and look at the cat eyes girl who is sitting front of him with cold aura .

" D-done Ms.Kim " The owner of cafe stuttred , the feline eyed girl grin

" Please don't kick out my son from your school " The owner begged to the brunette girl,the brunette smirk and nodded .

" If I heard that you didn't obey me then you know what will happen then " The brunette warn then leave the cafe

" Game already started Y/n " The feline eyes girl wear her sunglass and get up in her car

Back to Y/n apartment

" What happen ? " Jisoo ask me,then I get up and ran to living room where Lisa is playing with her phone .

" Lisa !! "

" What ? " She look up at me

" Boss fired us from job !! " Lisa widen her eyes and get up from the couch

" Yah now what we will do !?!? " Lisa massage her temple , I slump me on couch and sigh

" Rents , medicines , hospital bills ? How ? " I mumble

" We have to use our savings until we get another job " Lisa replied , I nodded

" Umm guys I can help you " We look at smirking Jisoo who is on single couch while crossing her leg

" How ? " We frown

" You two can work for me " Jisoo said while looking at her nails

" If you want and I will pay you 3,700,000 each " Jisoo smirk at us again , Me and Lisa look at eachother which shock cuz it's too much for us

" Which job ? " Lisa ask in shock

" What job you both want " Jisoo normally said

" We are good with job in cafe " Lisa happily replied and look at me

" So then sign this paper " Jisoo show us some papers , Lisa about take the paper but I hold Lisa's hand . Lisa look at me with ' what's wrong ' look . I drag her and sit her beside me

" Yah !!! Lisa think first what are you goin to do " I whimper and glance at Jisoo

" What's wrong ?? It's just a good deal , Y/n-yah !!! " Lisa explain

" Also she said she will pay us 3,700,000 won !!!! It's a great deal Y/n !!! We can live comfortablely !!! Y/N !!! " Lisa shake my shoulder in excitement

" Yah monkey don't hyper " I hold her both shoulder to calm her

" Wae ?!!?!? " Lisa sigh and look lazly at me

" We can't trust this bold,chic woman " I side glare at Jisoo also Lisa

" What did you say me ?!?!? " Jisoo raise her eyebrows and ready to attack

" No Y/n , I think we can trust her " Lisa point at Jisoo , I slap her hand . Then I give up cause Lisa is Lisa who never hear me .

" Do whatever you want !! " I sigh then cross my hands and look away from Lisa.

" Miss Jisoo !! We agreed the deal !! " Lisa said happily

" Okay then sign the papers " Jisoo handed the paper to Lisa and smirk

I saw Lisa unhesitately sign the paper without read what have written on paper . Then she handed me the paper to sign , I just glare at her , she puppy eyes to me . I took a deep breath and sign it .

" Love you ~ Pudding ~ " Lisa teased me and hug me

" You monkey !! Shhoo !! Go away from me " I push Lisa , but she cling me more

" If you didn't leave then I will kick your lil buddy " I smirk at Lisa who leave me immediately and gulp

" So Pudding and Lisa you can join whenever you want " Jisoo smile and wink at us

" Okay Miss Jisoo , we will join tomorrow, right pudding " Lisa wiggle her eyebrows at me , I just rolled my eyes

Suddenly our apartment door open and it's Rosé , who is not alone also with our other friends Jk,Jimin and also Mina.Rosé knows my apartment lock number so it's easy for her .Btw why they are here in this morning .

" Yo guys !! " Jk greet us

" Why bunny boy and mochi is here ? " Lisa annoyedly ask

" We are here to take care of our Y/n not for you monkey " Jimin come to me and spread his arms to me for hug , I just chuckle then hug him .

" Thank you to come here " I whisper to him

" I know Y/n-shi " Jimin pat my back , they are really good friends , I'm so glad that I get them as my friends .

" Yah I'm invisible !?!! " JK complained and whine

" Opps sorry bunny boy I didn't saw you " I teased him which make him pout

Then I broke the hug with mochi and ran to bunny then hug him tightly.He giggle , hehehe...cute boy .

" I know you are sad so I bought chocolates for you " He broke the hug then give me a pack of chocolates

" Yayyy!! How you know !?!" I jump happily

" Your bunny knows about you everything " He wink at me , I just smack his head gently .

" Hi Mina !! I am so glad that you also here " I turn to Mina and smile widely

" Yep , Rosé massage at our group about everything , so we are here " Mina smile back

" Also I make some japanese food for
us " Our friends squeal in happiness especially Rosé

" Baby Pudding , introduce me to your friends " Jisoo cling my arms and pout at me

" Woah !! Who is she !?!? " Jimin ask

" Baby Pudding ?? " JK give me confuse look

" Baby didn't you tell them , I am your girlfriend " Jisoo innocently replied , all are shocked expect Lisa and Rosé , who rolled their eyes ..

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