( Chapter - 22 )

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" Jisoonie where is Jen ?? " I ask her cause I didn't saw her from last night, I thought we will go university together. Also Lisa and Rosé left early ,they said they have class together in morning

" She left for university " Jisoo unnie said while eating her breakfast

" Huh ?? Why ?? " I sat on couch and sigh, she should wait for me

" She said she have to meet someone in university , so " She scroll her phone

" Who ?? " I frown in sadness, I miss her presence

" I don't know " She shrug and eat a full spoon of cereal

" You should get full information !! " I shouted at her , she just look at me

" Why are you behaving like that " She wipe her face by her wrist

" Like how ??" I brush my hair by hands

" Like possesive lover " She get up from her chair and stretched her body

" Are you feel in love with my sister " She smirk at me then go to her room

What ? Why ? Why I am behaving like this ? I shouldn't behave like this for Jennie !?! Y/n !! What the hell happened with you man ??

" Dumb let's go !! " Jisoonie drag me outside after I take my bag

We entered the university while talking about some random things

" That's how Lisa feed me cat food and the taste was ---- "

" Yikes !! Pabo !! Just shut up " Jisoonie laugh while hitting my shoulder

" Again once I put toothpaste in the middle of Oreo then give that Lisa to eat and you can't imagine how was her reaction " I laugh hardly and also tears are falling for laughing

" So you two was prank mastars "

" Yes not now " I sigh and smile

" Hey we can do pranks with Lisa , Jennie , Rosé , Jimin and Jk " Jisoonie devilish smirk

" Woah !! Jisoonie you're the best !!! " I hi-fi with her

" Okay now let's go or we will be late for class " She again drag me to our class

Jisoonie open the door of our and we gasp when we saw Lisa and Rosé was kissing

" WHAT THE FUCK !?!? " I yell and they flinch then turn to us , they was fully shocked , they didn't expect us there

" Nice so you was cheating with Lisa in my back !!! " I punch the desk which was beside me and it's break, Jisoonie touch my hand but I pull away my hand from her grip

" YOU !! " I punch Lisa's face and she fell down , now I don't regard to hit you

" YOU TRAITOR !! " I start to choke her , I never expected that from Lisa...Lisa !! My bestfriend also like my sister

" Y/n leave her " Jisoonie pull me from her after she get up and breath heavily, I clench my fist when I remember their kiss

" Y/n I'm sorry " Lisa breathe out and cried then about to hug

" YAH !! DON'T TOUCH ME CHEATER !! " I move away from her embrace

" Let us explain " Rosé said between her sobs

" EXPLAIN !?! WHEN I WITNESS EVERYTHING " I shout out of my lungs and grab the chair then threw on the wall, they all flinch at my action

" WHY YOU TWO DO IT WITH ME !! " I threw my bag away

" WHY ?? WHY ?? " I kneel down after break into tears , Jisoonie pat my back while saying me to stop crying but I can't it's feel so bad after betrayed by my trusted people

" I didn't do anything wrong with you then why ?? " I covered my face with my palm and let the tears down to my cheeks

" I never expected it from you Lisa , I treat you like my sister but you betrayed me " I wipe my tears but it's not helping

" Everyone like to fool me then leave me !! Why ?? Why everyone leave me after making me like that I can't live without them " I get up and again wipe my tears by hands

" T-thank you for this and we are not friends anymore and also don't show me you two cheaters faces " I leave the classroom and Jisoonie follow me

" Y/n they are not worth of your tears " Jisoonie pat my head and try to calm me

" But unnie , it's really hurt here " I stopped walking and point at my heart, she look down

" Jisoonie you can do me a favor ?" She look up at me then nodded with hesitation

" Can you buy a banana milkshake for me " I smile weakly, she become dumbfounded after hear my favor

" Huh ?? "

" Please Jisoonie buy me a banana milkshake " I push her to canteen's way , she slowly enter the canteen to buy milkshake for me ..

" I'm sorry to lying with you unnie , I have to do this or you will not let me alone " I leave the university without anyone's unknowingly

Jennie's pov

I come university vey early also I didn't meet my Y/n from morning, I miss my baby. Today is Y/n's birthday so I arrange a surprise birthday for her at our personal room where noone is allowed except me, unnie and our friends.... Naeyeon , Tzuyu , Seulgi , Irene , Sana , Chaeyoung ( Twice ) and also Jk , Jimin and Mina help me to decorate the room.

" We are her friends but we haven't any idea that today is Y/n's birthday " Jk said between blowing the balloon

" Noone know Y/n as me " I smirk while arranging the cake

" I know everything about my Y/n "

" Okay okay I know you're her
bestfriend " Naeyeon said

Suddenly Jisoo unnie enter the room while panting...

" Jenduke !! " Jisoo unnie ran to me and hold my shoulder while panting , she look so tensed

" Come with me " Jisoo unnie drag me out of the room

" What ?? " I stopped her to draging me

" Y/n found out Lisa and Rosé was kissing in classroom "

" Jinja ?!?!? Then break up confirm !! " I squeal in happiness

" I got my chance !! I got my chance " I start to dance in happiness

" You're Mine Y/n !! You're mine babe !! " Unnie smack my head and I grone then rub my head where she hit

" Hear the full thing then you could dance " She sound so serious , so I gave my full attention to her


Currently my mood is not good 😔, so I couldn't update in time...sorry guys 😟

And also I will try my best to update everyday 🐥

Love you all 🥰

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