( Chapter -26 )

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Me, Jennie and Jisoonie entered the classroom and our friends start to squeal

" New couple !! "

" Hot couple "

But my eyes landed to the last bench where a girl was sitting while looking down and I know it's Rosé because of her hair colour....She look up at me and I saw her red puffy eyes. She get up from her seat and ran to me then hug me. I startle at her action and she cried on my chest

" I'm sorry Y/n please forgive me, it was a mistake " She hug me tightly, i don't know what to do....I still have feelings for her

" Please Y/n even Lisa felt sorry that's why she left for Thailand " Lisa left for Thailand ?

" So that's why you want back Y/n cause Lisa gone to Thailand " Jennie coldly said while glaring at Rosé

" NO !! I tried to meet Y/n but you always with her !! " Rosé point at Jennie

" Yeah cause you're the one who cheated with her and I help her to happy " Jennie rolled her eyes

" It's was a mistake that's why I sorry to her " Rosé hold my arm and pull to her

" No she will never going back to you " Jennie hold my another hand and pull me to her , is I'm a toy who is the reason of fighting??

" I'm her girlfriend so back off Jennie !! " Rosé pull me to her

" Let me correct , ex-girlfriend who cheated with her bestfriend " Jennie glare at her and pull me again

" I already said sorry and everyone get a second chance " Rosé again pull my other hand

" And I know my girlfriend will forgive me, right Y/n ? " She look at my eyes

" I'm sorry Roseanne, I don't think I can love you again but we can be still friends like before " She release my hand after hear me , she sigh and smile at me

" Okay but atleast tell me you forgive me ? " I smile and pull her in a hug then pat her back

" I forgive you Roseanne "

" Y/n is so soft hearted, I like that " Jk nodded while putting his hand on Jimin's shoulder

" Cause she is mine " Jennie cling her hand with me

" Not only yours Y/n is everyone's " Sana smirk at Jennie

" Y/n is only mine from childhood so back off everyone who have crush on
Y/n " Jennie got everyone's attention in class , everyone look at us which make me awkward

" Yeah yeah I am your's, now stop it " I go to my seat

Lunch time

I was taking our food from counter in canteen with Jisoonie and Roseanne, I saw Jennie was hugging a boy who is handsome and good-looking in the corner of room ...Why suddenly I felt sad

" Isn't that Jennie ? " Rose point at that place, Jisoonie look at the place where Roseanne point

" Yeah it's her " Jisoonie try to know what is happening

" Let's go to her " Jisoonie about to drag me but I hold her hand

" I'm hungry please let's eat first " I look at her and she nodded then I dragged her to our seat where Jimin,Jk,Sana, Naeyeon, Seulgi and Irene sit . Roseanne follow me from my side

" Whatsapp man !! " Seulgi wave at me, I just lil smile and sit between Rosé and Jisoonie

" Why you look lifeless,what happened ?" Irene said when I play with my food

" Nothing " I replied with a lil smile

Then I look up and I saw Jennie was coming to our seat while looking at me with a big smile, I just look away

" Unnie " Jennie cheerfully said and stand front of us

" Okay I know it's your seat " Jisoonie about to get up from her seat but i hold her hand

" Sit here " I said and sit her beside me

" Y/n I want to seat beside you !!" Jennie frown, I just ignore her

" Roseanne try this " I fed her my food, she eat and look at me also all friends look at me in shock

" What ? " I glare at them

" She is my friend so I can fed her , now stop looking at me " I coldly said and they all nodded

" Y/n your favourite ice-cream!! " Rosé and Jennie said together while holding a spoon of chocolate ice-cream

" Thank you " I smile at Rosé after eat icecream from her

" Y/n what happen ? " Jennie frown at me like she become annoyed

" Okay I'm full " I get up from my seat

" Y/n where are you going ? " Jisoonie ask in curiosity

" Basketball court " I answer shortly and leave, Jennie call my name but I ignore her

At basketball court

I fell annoyed cause Jennie is here at basketball court alone while looking at me without any blink, only me and her....

I didn't mind her and I play usually, sometimes I glance at her and saw she fully focused on me. Why this girl is here !?!?!?

I was tired and also sweating so I laid on ground while panting, I haven't any energy anymore

" Y/n !! " Jennie rushed to me and sat beside me

" Y/n ?? " She shake me when i close my eyes, she keep jerk me while calling my name

" What happened !??!? " I lil shout at her, she startle and look down

" Go away !! " I get up and brush the dust from my outfit

" Go hug that boy !! " I leave the basketball court without look back at her


I know it's so boring chapter like all 🙁 and also sorry guys my school day started so it's so difficult to update in time ..😞 but i will try my best ..

😞 but i will try my best

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