( Chapter - 34 )

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Jennie's pov

Y/n left us for the accident when I was three months pregnant, that time I was don't know what to do, I was so broken also I skip foods which also affected my baby...Also I was about to lost my baby then everyone understand me I lost my Y/n but i can't lost our baby. I have to take care of Jason for Y/n.....Jason is three months so it's mean Y/n died it's been 1 year. It's really hard to take care of a baby alone, i never want to be a single mother but the fate do it with me. I don't know how I will say Jason that his dada died when he was inside me. If i let her go with us that day maybe she was with me now. Also I get to know Y/n was going to hospital to saw our baby for first time but she can't..

" Don't worry baby I'm here with you " i kiss my sleeping baby's cheeks which are like me, everyone said that

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" Don't worry baby I'm here with you " i kiss my sleeping baby's cheeks which are like me, everyone said that. He only got my eyes and cheeks and rest off things he got from his dada

" Jenduke !! " Unnie came into room and i sign her to low her voice cause Jason was sleeping, she nodded and approach

" You're ready ? " I shook my head

" Why ?? Everyone is here also Dad is finding his grandson" we have a party today. Unnie have some guests are coming so also she invited mom and dad..We didn't live with them even we make things good between us. I can't live them cause I always remember that day when dad try to abort our child.

" Come on Jenduke ! " Unnie whine, she still a baby

" Okay I will go there after Jason wake up " i smile at her and she also smile back widely then leave the room

Suddenly I heard Jason's cry, I saw he wake up so I take him on my lap and breastfeeding him

" Baby we have to get ready for party also you grandpa and grandma is waiting for you " He stopped and lil smile

" Aww my cute baby boy " i kiss his lil
forehead and he giggle

" If your dada can saw you " I sigh and start to wear him his outfit

After dress up him

" Why so cute !!! " I fake cry while kissing his face and he try to hold my face by his lil hands

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" Why so cute !!! " I fake cry while kissing his face and he try to hold my face by his lil hands

At party

I carry my baby into my arms and go to downstairs to join the party. First i saw Chaeyoung was eating snacks, Ah ! This foodie!! She look at us and approach us with a big smile

" Baby!! Baby Jason! How are you" She use baby tone to talk with him and my sweet baby smile at his aunt

" Unnie can I carry him ? " Rosé smile at me

" Ofcourse you're his aunt " I give Jason to her arms and Jason look happy in her arms

" YO YO OUR LIL HANDSOME !! " Lisa yell and come to us with Jk, Tae and our other friends

" Lisa !! Don't yell monkey!! " Jimin smack Lisa's head when he saw Jason was about to cry

" Mianhae, i can't stop excitement" Lisa hold Jason's hand and kiss it

" You're so lucky to have a cute boy like him " Naeyeon poke his soft cheeks gently and i just smile

" Let me hold him " Lisa hold him into her arms and suddenly her eyes become teary

" Lisa ? What happened ? " Jk ask in confusion

" Jason's face remember me about Y/n " Lisa give Jason back to Me and she wipe her eyes

" Yeah i miss Y/n so much " Tzuyu sigh

" Not only you we all miss her " Sana remarked, my tears start to fall

" Yah guys don't cry, Y/n is always with us " Tae stop us to crying

" Rosé can you hold Jason ?" I ask him and she nodded then I give her my son cause i want to go from there, i don't want to cry in front of them. If they saw me cry then they will also become sad which I don't want

I was about to go to bathroom but i bump with someone

" Mianhae" He bowed and ran away, wait why his voice like Y/n also why his body structure like Y/n even I saw him from back. Why I feel like he/she is Y/n. I should find him.

Jisoo's pov

I saw Jennie roaming around like she was finding someone. Is she saw her ? Noway we can't ruin our plan which we made. I should tell Uncle Lee to tell them hide themselves just for some time...

Jennie's pov

I was finding Her/Him. But unfortunately i meet with my mom dad. Dad can't look at my eyes. Is he felt sorry for me ?

" Jennie I'm sorry what I have done before with you and Y/n " He sigh and look down

" If i didn't done that then Y/n should be with you now, I'm really sorry, I was blind that time I didn't saw how you two love each other " I can't see him broke down so I hug him and cried

" It's okay dad, it was past " I break the hug and smile when he wipe my tears

" So Jen you don't want to show us our grandchild ?" I nodded and call Rosé to give them Jason, Mom take him in her lap

" Oh he looks like his dad " i smile and nodded

" Hey grandson we are your grandpa and grandma " Mom wiggle Jason which make him laugh cutely

" Look honey, he like us " Mom smile at dad and he smile back

" Mom please look after Jas for min okay ? " She nodded

Suddenly we heard the music man start to play a romantic song. Unnie never tell me this party will gonna be like this, she said that party is a welcome party

" So guys i invited you all to meet you guys with my love of my life" Everyone was shook


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Love you all 🥰

Love you all 🥰

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