( Chapter - 31 )

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Lisa's pov

I was about to leave my office but Rosé come inside with a big smile

" Hey love " I wave at her and pull her in a hug. Yes Rosé is my girlfriend now, Y/n told us to date each other also she help me to propose Rosé, isn't she is the bestest friend !!

" I missed you " She peak my lips, I just pinch her cheeks and she scrunch her nose cutely, i should tell her about
JenY/n and their unborn baby !!

" I have a good news !! " I hug her and jump in happiness

" What ? " She also laugh with me

" Y/n is going to have kid !! Wohoo !! " I start to dance happily

" Really !?!? " I nodded and also she become excited

" But also I have a bad news " I change my expression in sad , she frown then I explain her all things

" I never thought that will happen " She gasp after hear everything

" Did you want to go with me to meet them ? " I ask her while watching my wrist watch

" Of course, I want to see Jennie unnie " She drag me to outside of my office room...My chimpunk!!

Jennie's pov

I was sitting on a chair while watching a mother sparrow was feeding her children in nest through our window. I feel so happy that me and Y/n will going to parents soon !! I think dad will forgive us after we birth our baby, if he doesn't then I don't care cause I have my Y/n and my lil baby

" What're you doin babe ? " Y/n startle me and hug from behind

" Yah, hon you startle me !! " I whine and rest my head on her front

" I'm sorry Mama Jen " Y/n kiss back of my head

" Mama Jen ? " Y/n nodded

" Yep cause you will going to be mama of our raspberry " Y/n touch my stomach and I put my hand on her hand

" Peanut ? "

" Yes cause our baby's size is just like a peanut now " Y/n start to laugh and I hit her arm gently

" How dare you to say this huh !?! " I get fake angry on her and she laugh more

" You're so annoying !! " I push her to stop hugging me

" Mianhae, Nini " Y/n sadly said

" Just go away !! " I shout at her, I shove her hand when she was about to touch me again

" Okay " Y/n sigh and leave our room lazily

Y/n's pov

I was sitting beside the lake which was very close from our house, the lake look so calm and also the wind making me vacant.....I lay on the grass and look up at the sky which is full of clouds, maybe today will be rain..

" Hey Y/n " I look my left and that was Karina who sit down while looking at me

" Why you're here ? " She ask curiously while playing with a leaf

" Handling a pregnant woman is so hard !! Jen say me to go away cause I just say our baby's size is like a raspberry " I sigh and sat up while looking at her

" You know even she told me I am annoying " I pout sadly

" Yep she didn't lie " She laugh at me

" Yah !! " I cover my face and fake cry

" I know you are acting " She hit my shoulder playfully

" Yep I'm now I want to do something fun " I stand up and smirk at her, she realised what I was about to do so she shake her head as no

" Y/n don't dare " She glare at me

" Sorry not sorry " I carry her on my shoulder and jump on lake

" Wohoo " I splash the water on her .

" You !! " She start to approve by swimming

" You're so slow KARINA !! " I laugh and go away when become closer

" NICE !! " I flinched when hear the yell which was from Jennie

" Very nice Y/n , keep it up !! While I'm suffering about my nausea , heartburn and triedness " She shout at me while tearing up

" I'm sorry Jen " I get up from lake and approach her but she stepped back to refuse my touch

" I hate you Y/n !! " She sob and ran away, left dumbfounded

" Huh !?! What happened ?? " I look at Karina with clueless and she shrug while getting up from lake

" Pregnancy problem " She said and leave me dumbfounded

I didn't waste time to go to Jennie and apologies her...so I ran into our house to find Jennie in our bedroom....i slowly enter the room and find out a crying Jennie who was covered up with blanket

" Babe ? " I said while changing my wet outfit into dry ones, i just get loud sobs in reply, Aish my mandu !!

I slowly get up on bed hug her from beside

" I'm sorry!! I will never do this" I sadly said and kiss her earlobe

" I know you're jelous with Karina, she is just a friend and you're my wifey then who is more important to me ? It's you mandu, my wifey so don't think too much " I explain her calmly and she turn to me and pout

" And it also not good for our lil one " I kiss her forehead and she snuggle on my neck

" You should be carefree about that " She nodded

" So I'm forgiven ? "

" Yes Lee you're forgiven "


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Love you all by Jennie Kim 😁😂😂

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Love you all by Jennie Kim 😁😂😂


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