( Chapter - 17 )

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We back house from pet shop , we brought so many things for our two babies. We also don't forget to groom them. Now me and Jen is playing with them on floor ...

" Muffin is like to play with balls " Jennie pet Jane's back , who is on her lap

" Yep " I trew the ball to him , then he pass the ball with his paws

" We should meet them with Leo " I said

" Who Leo ?? " She ask and look at me

" Lisa's cat " I replied and pull out my collage table then saw her the wallpaper cause I haven't another pic of Leo

" Why her pic on your wallpaper !?!? " She snatch the tab from me

" She just put it " I scratch my nape

" You should put my pic on your wallpaper " She do something with my tab

After few min she handed me my tab , I open and look she put her pic on my tab wallpaper and glup . She is so fucking hot !!

" HOT " I put the tablet in my bag

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" HOT " I put the tablet in my bag

" Did you say me hot ?? " She look at me

" What I didn't say it obvious ?? " She chuckled

" No I was just surprised " She slowly approach me and hug me while sitting on floor

" I just said the truth " I hug her back and pat her , then I lean my back on couch's lower part

" Btw I brought this for us " She take my left hand and wore me a bracelet and she wore another one on her right hand

" Btw I brought this for us " She take my left hand and wore me a bracelet and she wore another one on her right hand

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" It's cool those half hearts are joining when we touch each other's hands " I amazed

" It's our connection to eachother " She care my hair

" You're the key of my heart " She snuggle on my neck

" So cheesy " I whine and chuckle

Then I saw Muffin and Jane sat front of us , they look so cute together

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