( Chapter - 35 )

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Noone's pov

Y/n's twin Seoyeon slowly approach to Jisoo with a big smile to Jisoo. Everyone was shook cause they thought that was Y/n. Jennie can't understand what is happening, she don't what to say..

" So guys meet my love of my life" Jisoo side hug Y/n's twin's arm, some of guests clap their and some of them gasp in shock

Suddenly Seoyeon kneel down front of Jisoo and pull out a ring from her pocket

" I fell in love with you not knowing what love really was. I stayed in love with you because there's no one or nothing I've ever wanted more than you. I will forever be in love with you because I can't picture even a second of my life without you "

" Jisoo you always stay with me in my hard so also I want you to stay with me in future even sometimes I annoy you " Seoyeon chuckle

" So Jisoo Turtle Rabbit Kim will you marry me, i swear I will do my best to make you always happy " Jisoo's tears start to fall cause she never expected this from Seoyeon

" Jisoo ? " Seoyeon ask again

" Ofcourse pabo" Seoyeon wear the ring to Jisoo and kiss her passionately in front of all people of the party, everyone cheer for them

" Y/N !?!! " Jennie pull Seoyeon from the kiss and slap her hardly

" How can you !?! Also with my unnie !! " Seoyeon look at Jennie in confusion

" First you do drama like you died and now you propose my unnie to marry her !! " Jennie give her another slap while crying

" Jennie stop it !! She is not Y/n !! " Jisoo lil shout and pull Seoyeon to her back to protect from Jennie

" How you guys can do it with me !! Also I never expected this betrayed from you " Jennie kneel down while crying

" I love you Y/n " Jennie cover her face while sobbing

" Yah !! Miss I'm not Lee Y/n, I'm her twin Lee Seoyeon!! " Seoyeon fired back, everyone of the party gasp cause noone knows that Y/n have a twin

Jennie's pov

I was broke down, my mom dad came near to me, dad pull me up to stand. I only just look at Y/n who said she is not my Y/n she is Seoyeon, Y/n's twin but i never saw Y/n's twin also Y/n never told me she have a twin

Then a man came and stand beside Seoyeon.

" Ji-hoon you ? " Dad gasp when he saw that man.

" Yeah it's me Seoyeon Lee and Y/n Lee's dad " He put his hand on Seoyeon's shoulder

" So that's mean Y/n have twin " I ask Me.Lee and he nodded after smile

" Y/n is my daughter, my wife birth twins but she was not able to take after both together so I take Seoyeon to Paris and left my wife with Y/n here. But that time take care of Seoyeon was hard for me so my assistant help me to take care of Seoyeon. But my wife start to thought I start a family with my assistant so she want cut the relationship with me, i tried to understand her the situation but she end up with divorce. And after 5 years I heard Y/n's mom passed away " Mr.Lee wipe his tears and Seoyeon hug her dad, Mr.Lee wipe his tears and look at dad then broke the hug

" Mr.Kim I want your Jisoo as my daughter in law " Dad look at Jisoo and nodded to Mr.Lee

" So you're happy Jisoo and Seoyeon" Dad ask them, they look at each other then smile widely at Dad. Finally unnie get her love but me ? I get her but also lost her forever

" Also Jennie" I look at Me.Lee

" I also don't want to disappoint you " Me.Lee smile at me

" Y/n !! "

Y/n's pov

I heard dad call my name so get into the middle of the crowd and stand beside my twin Seoyeon. She bump her shoulder with me.

" So finally you're going to get Jennie " She smile at me when i only look at Jennie who was full shock

" So Jennie you can get your Y/n " Dad come to me and push me to Jennie, i walked to also she slowly walked to me

" Y/n ? " She ask when we stopped front of each other and i smile and about to hug her but suddenly I get a hard slap from her. I hold my left burning cheek and look at her in shock.Everyone gasp in sudden action.

" Why ? "

" That was for leave me for a big whole year " She shout at me

" I'm sorry " Then she pull my collar passionately kiss me, I kiss her back also i heard claps from crowd. I broke the kiss and my eyes go to her stomach.

" Don't think i abort the baby after you gone " She pout while I wipe her tears

" Here your son " Mrs.Kim come with a baby in her arms

" Hon this is our son Jason " Jennie smile at me when Mrs.Kim give him to me. I look at his smile and my tears start to fall

" Sorry baby I wasn't here when you born, forgive me my lil boy " I softly kiss his cheek which are like Jennie

" How old is he ? " I ask Jennie when Jason touch my face with his soft lil hands

" He is three months" Jennie hold Jason's head by her left hand

" He is handsome boy like you " Jennie softly smile

" Ofcourse he is our son " I hold Jason to my shoulder and pull Jennie to make a family hug

" Sweet family" Me.Kim said

" I don't want to cry again " i know this voice, it's Rosé

" Finally we all can go to a vacation together " Jk make a happy squeal

" I love you Y/n " Jennie broke the hug and peak my lip

" I love you too my Nini " I kiss her forehead and we heard Jason's cry

" Aww baby don't cry mama and dada also love you " We kissed his soft cheeks


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