( Chapter - 5 )

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                                                                                               Nobody's pov

Y/n was sleeping on couch in livin room . Cause Chaelisa is sleeping in her room and the bed is for two so she can't fit on it . Y/n was sleeping suddenly her sleep break and  she feel somebody is watchig her so she get up and turn on the light and she look everywhere but noone is there expect halmoni , Lisa and Chaeyoung .

" Maybe I was dreaming " Y/n shrug and go to balcony for some air,Y/n peacefully watching the city suddenly someone put hand on Y/n's shoulder , Y/n startled and squeal

" Yo dude it's me " Lisa cover her ears , thank god no one hear Y/n expect Lisa

" Yah !!!! You want give me a heart attack , Liz " Y/n put her hand on cheast and turn to see the city again

" Ani , I just can't sleep with Chaeng so I come here to sleep with you " Lisa also look at the direction where Y/n was looking

" Wae ? She is not a monster also she is not a stranger " Y/n express with a smirk

" I don't know why but also why you are awake " Lisa raise her brows to Y/n

" I just can't sleep comfortably on couch " Y/n sigh , Lisa nodded

" Hey let's go for a walk " Lisa look at Y/n

" Now ?!?!??!!? In midnight ?? " Y/n frown , Lisa nodded

" Yep , maybe a lil walk can help us to get a sleep " Lisa take her jacket and wear it then throw a jacket to Y/n , Y/n wear it and they was about to leave

" Are you forgot me " They flinch and look behind , that is Rose who cross her arms and lean the door frame

" Oh we thought you're sleeping so " Lisa replied

" I can't sleep " Rosé pout and approach to us

" Woah what happend with us , we three can't sleep "Y/n laughalso the two laugh

" Okay let's go " They left the apartment

                          Y/n's pov

We was walking in the dark alley , I am middle of Chaelisa , they both cling my two arms like I am their parent

" It's so dark " Lisa look around

" Yeah also quite scary " Rosé grap my arm tightly , we laugh at Rosé

" Yah !!! Don't laugh " Rosé whine and make 'hump' sound

" Oh Roseanne don't be scared , you are lucky that you're with us " I point Lisa and me

" Yeah , we can protect you " Lisa proudly said , I nodded

" Huh !? You two stick will protect me " Rosé mock us , we pout

" Yah!!! " Lisa lil shout

" Okay we are stick but anyone can't resist our abs " I smirk also Lisa

" Am I right bro ? " I look at Lisa , Lisa nodded and grin

Then Lisa stop walk and go front of us and we also stop walking then frown at her

" Now look at my abs " She raise her t-shirt a lil to show us her abs , me and Rosé laugh loudly

" Yah !! Lalisa " Rosé manage to say in the laugh

" Oh god Liz !! You haven't abs anymore  now you have a baby tummy " I laugh and clap my hands even it's, my habit clapping hands with laugh when I found something so funny

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