( Chapter - 33 )

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It's been 2 weeks Jennie is ignoring me and become more closer to Taehyung, i always saw them together when i back home from harvest..i tried my best to not feel bad also don't hurt cause it will also effected the baby. Today we have to go hospital for Jennie's ultrasound and i am so happy cause i will going to saw how our baby doing in her/him's mother womb

I saw Jennie and Taehyung come out from together and ready to go somewhere

" Umm...Taehyung you're also going with us ? " I glance at Jennie after look at Taehyung

" Yeah she said she can't go there alone so I'm going with her " I frown in confusion

" No she is not going alone, I'm going with her" i look at Jennie and while our eyes meet she look away annoyedly

" No !! " Jennie shout at me

" Babe it's also mine child " I about to touch her lil baby bump but she shove my hand away

" You're the one who told me to abort it !! So I don't think you want this baby " Jennie point her index finger to me

" Taehyung can you give us time to talk " Taehyung nodded and leave

" Babe trust me, i didn't mean to say that I was out of mind so I said that shits " i try to hold her shoulder but she stepped back

" If you don't want this kid then you can go away but i will never abort her/him " She touch her lil baby bump

" No Jen, you're misunderstanding me " She keep her head down

" Dad was right you're like your dad who leave your mom for another woman " I clench my fist

" Jen don't think I'm cheating with you, i love you only you "

" I don't believe you anymore Y/n, you broke my heart that day when you said me to abort her/him " She touched her baby bump

" Jen you're pushing me away from you and my baby !! I love you both " I raised my voice and try not to broke down

" If pushing you away from us will keep my baby safe then I will do it " She walked past while leaving me full broken, I can't breathe for this pain.

Jennie's pov

We was going back to home. And I'm happy even I'm hurt, The doctor said our baby is growing properly. I also heard our baby's heartbeat but that time I missed Y/n by my side. I keep pushing away her from us even this baby also her. I have make everything okay between us. We have make a happy family not a broken family.....

" What're you thinking Jennie ? " Taehyung ask while driving

" I should make everything okay between me and Y/n or we can't be a good parents for our baby " I said in a low tone while looking out through the car's window

Suddenly my phone start ring, i hope it's Y/n but no it's Unnie...i take the call and hold to my ear

" Hello !!JENNIE !?! WHERE ARE YOU !?! " I can feel she is crying which is so rare then something bad happened

" I'm going back to home after me and baby's cheak up " I hold my lil baby bump

" Y-Y/n " She stuttered and start to cry and slowly i start to get panick, What happened with Y/n ? I saw her just 2 hours ago in house but not happy, I saw her broken and that's cause of me

" Unnie please don't give me heart attack just tell me what happened !!!! " I lil shout after hear her sob

" Just come to xxxx road and also I informed Lisa , just come fast !! " She cut the call, i don't know why I'm feeling not good.

" Taehyung please go to xxxx road, unnie said as soon as possible!! " I said and Tae speed up the car

" Are you okay Y/n ? I'm not feeling well now, please you have to stay beside me and our baby " I mumble

After 10 min we go to the place, Tae really drive fast or we can't reach here in 10min maybe it will take 30 min. I get down from car and saw many people are making crowds.

" You should call Y/n !! " Tae suggest me when saw my panick attack started. I quickly dialled Y/n's number then i saw at distance Unnie was looking around while she have phone Y/n's phone in hand

" Unnie !! " I yell to get her attention then approach her, she look at me and broke down

" W-what h-happen ? W-where is Y-y/n " My breath become heavy

" Y/n got in a big accident " My whole world stopped also it's like someone pour cold water on me, i ran to the crowd and go in the middle where Y/n's body was soaked with blood. I kneel down to her and put her head on my lap

" Y/N !! WAKE UP !! " I shake her if she wake up and hug me

" Y/N I'M REALLY SORRY!! Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP" My heart ache when she didn't wake up

" Miss please let us take him to hospital if he is still alive" A middle aged man said and i glared at him

" What do u mean !?!? She is alive !! " I hug her unconscious body

" I love you baby, please wake up....me and our baby need you beside us " i try to heard her heartbeat but it's too slow

" I'm sorry I will never push you away " i care her face while looking at her face

" Jennie!! Let them take her to hospital before it's too late " Tae hold my shoulder to get up but i shove his hand from my shoulder. At this moment I only want Y/n....

" Jennie let them take Y/n to hospital !! And we will follow them " Unnie pull me up while I saw Y/n was taking away to ambulance by some mans


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