( Chapter- 15 )

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Me and Jennie left the classroom and we saw Jisoo is looking out by the window in hallway ....

" Why she is alone ? " I whisper Jennie

" Cuz she haven't friends even she have many fans " Jennie replied and Jisoo look at us , I walk to her and the kitten follow me

" Oh hi Y/n " Jisoo smile at me and again look back at the window

" I think you should make some friends " I put my hand on her shoulder while looking at her side face

" I think you should make some friends " I put my hand on her shoulder while looking at her side face

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" I don't think anyone will be my friend " She smile

" Then who am I an enemy !?!? " I make a face like 😑

" No you're my sister-in-law " Jisoo smirk at me and Jennie chuckle from my side

" Sister-in-law ?? I am not going to marry any siblings of you !! So stop your silly jokes " I replied annoyedly

" Okay now hear me you two Kim !! " I clap my hand to get their attention , they look at me

" You two will become friends of my friends also you two have to rid your savageness " I straight-forwardly said them and they nodded

" And you lil Mandu you also have to stop bully or we will broke our
friendship , I don't like bullies " Jisoo unnie laugh when I said Mandu , Jennie glare at Jisoo

" Did you get this Ruby Jane ?? " I raise my left eyebrow , she nodded

" Good girl " I ruffle Jennie's soft hair and she purr

" Literally a kitten " I shake my head and hold their hands and go fo dance club

" Why we are here ?? " Jisoo whisper my ear

" To make friends " I whisper back

" Yah why you have full attention to her not me !?!?! " Jennie hit my arm , I hissed in pain then I rub my arm , she really hit me hard

Suddenly someone jump on my back and kiss my nape

" I miss you baby " Rosé shower my face with her kisses , I just giggle at my girlfriend

" You just gone for half an hour " I pinch her cheeks

Noone's pov

Jennie just stunned at Y/n and Rosé's couple behaviour..

" Who is she Y/n ? " Jennie ask in low tone

" Jennie this is my chimpunk girlfriend " Y/n laugh when she said chimpunk

" G-girlfriend ?? " Jennie's heart broke into pieces cause she got Y/n after many years but she is already with another girl ... Jennie try not to cry infront of them while Jisoo is just silent

" Yeah we become 2 days ago " Y/n scratch her nape and giggle but Rosé is full confuse why Y/n is talking with her bully like that

" Baby did you have something to tell me ? " Rosé whisper Y/n after that Y/n explain everything what happen in class

" Hmm so she was the bestfriend of your childhood " Rosé said in low tone

" Unnie I want to talk with you alone " Jennie drag Jisoo to somewhere , the couple just look at each other in confuse

Jennie stop dragging Jisoo while they enter a empty room ...

" Is she is saying truth that blonde hair girl is her girlfriend " Jennie's tears are start to fall

" Yeah I tried my best to apart them but your Y/n fall for her " Jisoo explain

" Why you didn't inform me before that you find her !?!? "

" I want to be sure that she is the real
Y/n before I told you " Jisoo look down

" Y/n is mine !! Nobody can get her !! I will her wife not that blonde girl " Jennie wipe her tears and clench her fist then left the room , Jisoo just sigh and follow her sister

                          Y/n's pov

I saw around the hallway after Jennie and Jisoo left , it's only me and Rosé ...

" Jagi ? " I turned to Rosé and smirk,then gently push her to the locker, Rosé gasp in my sudden action then pinned her on locker

" I just want you to know that I missed you " I whisper in her eyes and kiss her earlobe , she rapped her hands around my neck

" What got into Lee suddenly ? " She whisper on my lip

" Just want to love my chimpunk " I whisper back then she pressed her lip on mine ,I pull her nape to more deepen the kiss....I suck her tongue and she moan between the kiss

Then we hear some footsteps which are coming to us ,we broke the kiss quickly , I glance at Rosé who is panting and her cheeks also become red ...Then I saw Kim sisters coming to us with a smile. Rosé hold my hand and squeeze it . I look back to her and smile at her to calm.

" Now let's go to dance club Muffin " Jennie drag me to dance club

We entered and everyone of club look at us and shocked cause Jennie cling her hands with me .

" Y/n ? " Lisa approach to me with confuse face

" Hmm... Lisa a good news !! Halmoni said about someone of my childhood , she is Jennie " I put my hand on Jennie's shoulder and Jennie smile at Lisa ... Lisa's was full of shock after I explain everything...

" So Lisa we are friends ?? " Jennie ask

" Yep " Lisa pull Jennie in a hug , I just smirk at Lisa

" Make her your girlfriend " I whisper at Lisa's ear , she broke the hug and scratch her nape ..

" Also I want become friend of you Lisa " Jisoo lean her hand to Lisa , Lisa heaitately shake her hand with her .

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