( Chapter - 37 ) ( END )

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                              Y/n's pov
I was watching Jason playing with ball beside the sea shore with Jaejoon, My twin and Jisoonie's baby boy. After marry Jisoonie and Seoyeon adopted Jaejoon from orphanage. Jaeson and Jaejoon are same age so they have really good bonding.

" They are so cute " Seoyeon chuckle when Jaejoon hit the ball to Jason's face then they laugh together

" I can't believe they become 5 years old" Jennie rest her head on my shoulder

" They are growing so fast " Jisoonie smiled

" Hey guys we are here " Lisa came to us with her wife and their girl Rosalia, 3 years old . They sat on the sit which are front of us.

" Hi Ro baby " I pull Rosalia to kiss her cheeks, she put her hand on her mouth and giggle

" Hello muff " She smile, she call me muff short of muffin which Jen call me often.

" Didn't you miss me ? " I pinch her cheeks and she nodded cutely

" Actually she is going crazy to meet you, she always say i want to play with Muff " Rosé explain with a smile then shake her head

" Really babygirl? " She nodded

" I think she like Y/n " Jisoonie said while smirking and we all laugh

" You like me ? " She cover her face and nodded, she really shy like her mother.

" Hey gimme my girl to me " Lisa take Rosalia from my lap and glare at me while covering her from me in back

" I don't know why every girl like Y/n " Lisa annoyedly said and I smirk

" Cause I have good qualities " I said in swag

" Ahem didn't you're talking too much today ? " Jen glare at me, fastly i kiss her cheek

" But i only love my wife Jennie Ruby Jane Kim Lee " I again kiss her cheek

" Baby go play with Jas and Jae oppa " Rosé kiss Rosalia's forehead

" Okay mommy " Rosalia ran to Jas and Jae

" So how is life now? " Seoyeon ask Chaelisa and they look at eachother

" Actually we are thinking to give a sibling to Rosalia " Lisa smirk and glance at Rosé who was shocked

" W-what ? " Rosé stuttered and smile nervously

" Wae? Don't you want ? " Lisa ask

" Ofcourse but later, Ros still little so " Rosé explain and we all nodded

" Seoyeon and Jisoonie ?? " Rosé ask them and they look eachother

" Ofcourse but this time we will do IVF " Seoyeon smile at Jisoonie

" And I will carry the baby " Jisoonie lean on Seoyeon's shoulder

" We also need your sperm for IVF, then our baby will got some looks like me because you and me look same "Seoyeon look at me and I nodded with a smile

" I can do everything for my twin " I wink at Seoyeon and she laugh

" Cool !! Now what about JenY/n " Lisa smirk at us Jennie got up on my lap

" We can make in this vacation if you guys take care of Jas " Jennie said and I laugh

" I'm sure she become horney " Jisoonie sigh and facepalm

" How can't I become horney when Y/n love me so good " Jennie wink at me and rub my face then bit her lip

" Y/n you should take her to hotel room or you two end up here fucking each other " They all laugh ass out 

" Okay baby let's go you also turn me on " I pick her up and start to ran into our hotel

" I love you my BESTFRIEND!! " She kiss my cheek

" I love you too , my life "


                                  The End

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now