( Chapter - 11 )

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Rosé was feeding me but I didn't saw my other friends after the campus issue also Jisoo

" Jagi what are you thinkin ? " Rosé bite the steak

" Umm I didn't saw Lisa , Kookie and Mochi also Jisoo " I sigh and lean back on seat

" Maybe they are busy " Rosé kiss my left cheek

" But I want to told them that you and me now together " I pinch her cheeks , she scrunch her nose cutely

" Yah my girlfriend so cute " Rosé hit my left arm gently

" Stop it , I am blushing so hard " Rosé cover her face with her palm

" Btw baby that was your first kiss !?!! I really can't believe that was your first kiss " I tease her

" Jagi !! " Rosé pout and whine

" Okay okay now eat your food , we have to find them " I take my phone to see if Lisa, Jk , Jimin and Jisoo send me any message

" Jagi feed me !! " Rosé puppy eyes to me , I pinch her nose and take the spoon then feed her

" Jagiyah , we should visit Halmoni today , I am sure you're missing her " Rosé put her head on my shoulder

" Yep baby , I will go to her today also I am thinking make some healthy food for her " I wipe corner of her lip which have some sauce

" Jagi I want to help you " Rosé pout and look at me

" Okay Ms.Roseanne !! " I salute her dramatically , she giggle and hug my right arm

" Jagi look there !! " Rosé point a corner of canteen

I saw Lisa , Bunny and Mochi seat there

" Why they sit there " I sigh , I never thought Lisa will forgot me

" What happened !?! " I scratch my head

" Are you done baby ?? " I ask her , she nodded and wipe her face

" Okay let's go to them " I drag her to Lisa's seat

" What happened with you guys !?! " I pout and sit down on seat then Rosé sat beside me

" We don't want to disturb new couples so " Lisa chew her foods

" I am so disappoint at you guys "

" You should be happy you have your girlfriend " Jimin drink sprite , I sigh and get up from seat

" Baby where are you goin " Rosé hold my hand

" Washroom " I was about to leave but I bump with someone and fell on floor

" Yah this bitch !! " Jennie yell and kick my leg , I grone in pain

" YOU CAN'T SEE !! " A boy kick me again

" I think you need punishment " Then they start to hit me in stomach , legs ...

" Y/n !! " Rosé about to come me but somebody hold her arm

" Please leave her ! " Rosé try to escape from that boy's grip , suddenly everything gone black

Slowly I open my eyes and hear some sobs . Rosé is crying on Lisa's shoulder , Lisa is patting Rosé's hand ,while Jk and Jimin is calming Rosé ..I slowly get up from bed..

" Argh!! My stomach " I hold my abdomen and hissed in pain

" Baby are you okay now " Rosé come to me and care my hand and soften her eyes

'' Where is Ms.Jisoo ?'' I ask them , Rosé look bothered by mentioning Jisoo's name

" We didn't saw her after lunch '' Jk replied

'' Okay " I tried to stand but stumble

" What happen ?? " Lisa hold my arm

" I am going to washroom " I hold her shoulder to stand properly

" Baby let's go , I am going with you " Rosé hold my arm

" Baby you really don't have to do it " I smirk at her and wiggle my eyebrows then lick my lip ..She widen her eyes and leave my arm , her cheeks become red

" You're so cute " I pinch Rosé's cheek then slowly leave the room...

Thank god the restroom was near from med room , so that was a releif...I enter the bathroom . After I done I was washing my hands ..

" YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH !! " A cold deep voice flinch me , I slowly turn try not to get hurt at my abdomen

" M-Ms.J-Jisoo ? " I stuttered and gulp then I smile awkwardly

" I have a good news !!! Me and Rose is now a couple !!!! " I widely smile at her,suddenly her eyes become dark and cleanch her fist

" W-what happ-----" She suddenly push me on basin and choke me

" WHY !?!? WHY CAN'T YOU REMEMBER YOUR CHILDHOOD !???!? " She tighten her grip

" I-i don't know " I tap her arm to remove her grip from my throat

But she still choke me , slowly my breath become unstable so I take big breath..My tears are start to fall

" Y/N !! " Lisa widen her eyes and gasp

" L-li-s-sa " I put my left hand forward towards her to get a help while my another hand holding Jisoo's wrist

" KIM JISOO !! " Lisa push Jisoo aside and she hit herself on the wall , Lisa pull me up and look me up to down , I can saw the scare in her eyes

" Are you okay bro !?!!? " Lisa panickly ask , I nodded while taking heavy breaths

" I can bear every heartbreak but losing you '' Lisa hug me and cried on my shoulder

" Look another bitch come here to help the forgotten bitch " Jisoo scoff at us , Lisa break the hug and look at Jisoo...

'' You bitch try to remember everything or you are going to see hell !! " Jisoo point at me and leave the bathroom

" What she want you to remember !?!? " Lisa lil shout , I shrug

" I don't know " I shake my head

" Okay now let's go " Lisa drag me to outside , we were walking in hallway

" Bro really it's a bad day for me " I sigh

" First the kitten put slime on my hair then also she beat me then her older sis also beat me " I chuckle slowly

" Seriously why that Kim sisters hate you that much ? " Lisa look at her shoes while walking

" I don't think Kim Jisoo hate me more than Jennie Ruby Jane cuz she give us work and also a luxury penthouse " I grin at Lisa , she just shake her head

" Btw Liz why Ms.Jisoo want me to remember my childhood " I said

" I don't know what she wants you to remember from your childhood " Lisa replied

" Forget it now let's go home , we have to make food for Halmoni then also we have to go cafe " I walk fast while holding Lisa's hand

" You know I can't cook " Lisa exposed herself , I make a face like 😑

" I know that's why Rosé will help us " I drag her more ...

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