( Chapter - 25 )

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                          Y/n's pov

I was sleeping peacefully but some noise and flashlights broke my sleep...I realise I was hugging a soft toy and it was so soft so I hug it more tighter

" Cute !! "

" Turn off the flashlight , dumb !!! "

" Opps sorry !! "

" Y/n is waking for the flashlight "

" Turn off !! "

I open my eyes and saw our friends is watching me round , they were smiling

" What happened ?? " I close my eyes and hug the stuff toy but I felt the stuff toy is shaking and I open my eyes and meet with

" What happened ?? " I close my eyes and hug the stuff toy but I felt the stuff toy is shaking and I open my eyes and meet with

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" Wah !! " I feel from the bed and everyone laughed at me , I grone and get up

" Hahaha poor Y/n " Seulgi laugh with all

" Here look at your pics !! You two was sleeping together !! " Jimin show me his camera

" Yeah !! Jimin send me I will post it in Instagram !! " Naeyeon chuckle , it will useless if I try to get the pictures, they will never give me and I haven't energy to fight with them

" Okay guys can you leave just for a min then I can change my clothes " I start to check my clothes in my wardrobe... Thank god I still have some clothes here , I didn't take all things to penthouse , I'm really a genius....

" Okay !! " They all leave the room expect Jennie

" What ?? " I ask her cause she was watching me

" Show me your abs Lee " She smirk at me I grin at her

" Okay but be sure you will not fall for me Ruby Jane " I start to take off my shirt , I looked at her eyes which was glued on my body

" Okay ?? " I lil chuckle when she start to find her phone quickly

" Where is my phone !?!?? " She got her phone under her pillow

" Let me take a pic then I will make others jelous especially Park Roseanne " She smirk and take my pic

" You're so naughty Ruby Jane " I wear another tshirt and she pout

" You was good without tshirt " She compliant, I go to her and sit on bed

" Everyone is here so I can't but if is you and me only then I'm sure I will roaming around without tshirt " I pinch her nose then she take my hand and bite it

" Yah !! You Kim !! " She release my hand then I push her down and hop on her stomach after that I start to ticklish her

" Lee !! Heehehe " She started to jerk while laughing heavily

" Y/n !!! T-ticklish !!!! "

" Scream Ruby Jane " I didn't stop to tickle her

" Y/n !! Hahahha !! Please !! " I get down from her and she get up while breathing heavily

" So how was it !?! " I wiggle my eyebrows and she threw her pillow to me

                         Jennie's pov

Our all annoying friends already gone now it's only me and Y/n. We are playing the game which one unnie gift her...Now it's my turn give her my gift

" Y/n did you watch what I give as birthday gift "

" I don't want you're with me , it's the best gift in the world !! " She pull me in a hug, she never felt to give me butterflies

" Okay now come with me " I take the game consoller and put it on table then drag her to outside

" Aish !! I loss the game for you !! " She whine and follow me from behind , Im so excited to saw her reaction...hehehe

" Now close your eyes " I demand and she do what I say, she cover her eyes with her hands. Then I drag her to backside of her apartment ...

" Open your eyes " I said while chuckling

                           Y/n's pov

She told me to open my eyes and I open then ,I got shock when I saw this

She told me to open my eyes and I open then ,I got shock when I saw this

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" It's yours " She handed me the key, I'm speechless

" Where is your tongue gone Muffin ?? " She laugh at me

" Are you fucking serious !?!?! " I said in disbelief and she smirk

" Noway !! " I go near the bike and touch it's every part

" Yeah I knew it was your dream to have a bike like this " She cross her hand on her chest and warmly smile

" But I can't take this for free " I gave her the key and she look at me in shock. I know it's my birthday gift but it's too much costly so I can't take it.

" Thank you for this but I can't take it or
everyone will tell me a gold digger so sorry " I about to go

" No Y/n , I brought it for you so please take it " She puppy eyes to me

" I even brought it cause we can ride together  " She sadly said and look down

" Aww Nini " I pull her in a hug and she snuggle on my neck

" Please we can go for a ride ?? " She whisper

" Okay " I broke the hug and pull her to bike


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Love you all 🐥💖

Good night 🌃🌉 and don't forget to dream about Jennie Kim 😁

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Good night 🌃🌉 and don't forget to dream about Jennie Kim 😁

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