( Chapter - 20 )

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Would you guys thought what happened next with me( sigh )...Police arrest me for beating them , they even didn't hear our words just handcuff me and push in their car also they take the bitches to police station ..Jisoo and Jennie also followed us to here .

I saw they are argueing with the police for arresting me ...they really look scary while argueing , Jennie glance at me while argueing and soften her eyes to me then again glare at the Police man . She really loves me

'' Is that your girlfriend ? The cat eyed girl " A man who also with me in cell told me

" Ani , the eyed is my best friend and another one is her unnie also mine " I smile at him

" I thought she loves you " The man grin

" Well she is my best friend from childhood so she loves me " I shrug as I didn't take it seriously

" You two end up together in wedding " He smirk at me while looking straight to my eyes , This man really funny

" So you're a fortune teller " I mock him and he shrug then give me a annoying grin

" I want to say you I already have a girlfriend " I rolled my eyes

" It's fate that you two will be together " This man remain his grin which make more annoyed

" YAH I AM DONE WITH THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT !!!! JUST CALL DAD " Jennie yell to Jisoo who take her phone from pocket and dial someone

" HAHAHAHA !! Nothing will happen to me girls , just go away !! " I literlly want to punch his face to behave like it with them

" Dad just come here at xxxxx Police station !!! We got a problem " Jisoo said in phone and hung up the call

" Your dad can't do anything with me " The police man chuckle and sit on his chair

" Just wait " Jisoo said after they walk to my cell , I get up from floor and approach to the cell gate . Jennie hold my hands which are griping the iron railings and soften her eyes

" Don't worry Y/n we will take out you very soon " Jennie hold up my hands to her mouth and kiss my both hand and again my heart is beating crazy

" Yeah Dad will be here " Jisoo tapped my cheeks , I just smile at them

Suddenly a man who look 40s come inside with bodyguards !! Is he really famous that's why he need bodyguards !!

" What happened my girls " That man said , Jisoo and Jennie look back and go to him for hug

" MR.KIM !!?!? " The police man get up from his chair in shock , Mr.Kim mean Jisoo and Jennie's dad and one of the richest also respectful buisness man of Korea ..Wow !!

" Dad this man locked up my Y/n !! Even she help unnie while two bitches trying to rape unnie "Jennie tear up , Mr.Kim got shook and look at me , I just smile at him awkwardly

" Let her go " Mr.Kim coldly said to The police man , he fastly came to me and open the cell then open the handcuff

" And you should investigate at first then you should arrest someone " Mr.Kim said and the police man gulp and nodded

" So my daughters everything is ok now let's go to home, your mom want to see you " Mr.Kim smile at his daughters

" And you also come " Mr.Kim said and leave the station

" So let's go " Jisoo grin at me and follow her dad

" Nini I have to go ? "

" Of course " Jennie drag me outside of the police station

" You should get into a connection with my parents " She kiss my cheek again butterflies

We approach to his car and saw Jisoo and Mr.Kim was having a important talk also I saw Jisoo have a bad mood

" Dad ?? " Jennie frown at Mr.Kim

" Yes my daughter " Mr.Kim smile at Jennie

" Dad I don't want to stay here anymore " Jennie pout cutely

" Okay okay now let's go " Mr.Kim get on the car


Sorry for too short chapter 😔🐥

Love you all 🥰

Love you all 🥰

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