( Chapter -13 )

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                        Jisoo's pov

I saw Y/n , Rosé and Lisa left Mrs.Cho's room , I quickly enter . She frown after I open my facemask ..I slowly approach to her

" So how are you Mrs.Cho ?" I smirk at her , she look confuse

" You're Y/n's friend ? " She ask back

" Yes I am " I brush my hair by my hand

" I am Kim Jisoo the older sister of Jennie Ruby Jane Kim " She widen her eyes in shock

" So why are you here " She become serious

" You know why I am here , I want Y/n for my sister "

" Y/n forgot Jennie and it's good cause your mom dad never want Jennie with
Y/n !! "

" Cause Y/n's dad leave her mom for another woman so they were scared what if also Y/n leave Jennie for another woman in future " I explain what mom n dad thought

" So why you need Y/n now for Jennie ?!? Isn't it good Y/n forgot her , then what you want ? "

" My sister is going crazy for her , she is really broken from childhood after Y/n left , she cry everyday for her Y/n " I sigh

" Btw how she forgot her childhood even she forgot about Jennie "

" After her mom dead she was depressed and one day she was coming home from her school alone and she got in a big accident . Also she was in coma for 2 years " Mrs.Cho make me shock

" So it's the reason she forgot us " Mrs.Cho nodded and sigh then I leave the hospital room

                       Jennie's pov

I was at my room laying on bed while looking at my Muffin's pic , she leave me when I was 6 .....

" Muffin are you okay ? " I smile at her baby pic

" You know I'm still waiting for you, I know you will come back to me ....you promised me when you leave " I wipe my tears which are falling

"When you will comeback , I will tell eomma n appa to arrange a marriage for us , you promised me you will marry me when we become older " I chuckle sadly

" Please baby comeback to your Nini , I really miss you , staying without you is very difficult for me baby " I hug her frame tightly

Flashback :

" Ruby Jane why are not talking with
me " She stand front of me and look at me confusely , I just cross my hand and make a 'hump' sound

" Ruby Jane ? " She hold my shoulder and make me to look at her even I am taller than her

" You played with another girl what if you play with them and forgot about me after that you will leave me " I pout at her sadly , she giggle and pinch my nose

" Ani~I will never cause I will marry when we become like our mom and dad " She smile at me and hug me

" Jinja !?!! " I widely smile at her

" Of course my nini " I hug her back

" Promise ? " I show her my pinky finger

" Promise Ruby Jane !! " she cling her pinky finger with me

Flashback end

" Why are taking long time to
comeback " I hug the picture and sigh

Suddenly I hear the door open and someone come inside , I didn't care who is it cuz it's my time for my Y/n...

" Jendukie ? " It's unnie , she come to my bed and sit on the edge of bed

" You still talking with her picture " She sigh and she was about to snatch the photo frame from me but I tighten the hug and turn back

" Yes you have any problem ?!?? " I coldly ask and rub my Y/n's picture

" Aniyo but--"

" Unnie I haven't time for bullshit !! So please go " I point at the door to leave her

" I can help you to find Pudding " She smirk at me

" I don't need any pudding !! " I yell at her and drag her from my bed to door

" Really you don't need pudding !! " She confusely ask

" Yah !! Please leave and I don't need any fucking pudding !! " I push her outside from my room and lock the door on her face

" Really I can't beleive you don't need Y/n anymore " My heart start beat after hear her words from other side of my room

" I just come here to told you that I found Y/n and also she student of our collage " I hurrly open the door and drag her inside then sit her on my bed

" Wow you can do everything for Y/n" She smirk at me I just rolled my eyes at her and sit on the chair to give full attention to her

" So I saw Y/n in our college " I can't stop my excitement


" Oh Jendukie calm down , you're so desparate to know , just calm down " Unnie smirk at me

" You know I just can't calm myself , just tell me !!! Where she is !?! " I hold her collar

" Okay I will meet you to her tomorrow" Unnie shove my hand from her collar and leave my room , I can't stop my happiness

" Finally baby !!! You will be MINE !! " I kiss Y/n's baby picture

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