( Chapter -8 )

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" What !?!! "

" Yes !! This handsome,cute pudding is mine " She pinch my cheeks

" Ani,this lady is just kiddin " I push Jisoo gently , who just smirk at me ..

" Then !?! " They ask in uniso

" She is me and Limario's new boss cuz our old boss kicked us from job " I explain annoyedly

" Also she will pay us fuckin 3,700,000 won each , monthly " Lisa happily said and dance a lil bit

" Woah !!! That's too much " Jimin widen his eyes

" But something is fishy why she pay you that high " Jk point at Jisoo

" Yeah,you have good point " I nodded and glance at Jisoo

" Aniyo, I just like you two so " Jisoo grin

" Miss Jisoo I still can't beleive you " I sit on couch and sigh

" It's all to you , baby " Jisoo wink at me , I shake my head

" Baby you know I also have another gift for you " Jisoo sweetly smile at me

" Really ? then what is it baby " I look at her

" Wooh !! I didn't expect it " Jisoo raise her both hands like she surrended

" So you want see the gift now , then okay " Jisoo smirk then wear a mask . We all look at her in confuseness . Suddenly a smoke fill the room . This smoke make me weak and dizzy

" What the hell ?!?!?! " Jimin yell while coughing

" It's making me dizzy !! " JK shout

" NOT ONLY YOU ALSO ME !! " Lisa cover her face

" Oh shoot !!! " Rose fell on ground

" Yah !! Roseanne !! " I yell and kneel down front of her , dizziness is still fillng me

" Oh it's sleeping smoke !! " After that Mina fainted

" Bro you was right this bold,chic lady have another intention !! " Lisa fainted. Then I try to look at Jimin and Jk who also fainted .I fight with my dizziness but that strong odur too much !!

" Y/n why you're so hard " Jisoo come closer to me and cover my mouth with a handkerchief , the smell of that handkerchief make me more dizzy. Everything become blur and I fell on floor then everything gone black ....


I wake up when someone poured cold water on me , I look around it's not my apartment and it's look like A FUCKIN LUXURY PENTHOUSE !!!

I wake up when someone poured cold water on me , I look around it's not my apartment and it's look like A FUCKIN LUXURY PENTHOUSE !!!

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" Finally you wake up " Jisoo smirk at me and put the empty glass on table

" You !!! Where I am !?!! Why you do this !?!!! " I yell at her and stand up

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