( Chapter - 16 )

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I was making coffee while suddenly someone backhug me, I just flinch and turn to see who and it's the kitten , she gummy smile at me and I just smile back

" You ? Kitten what are you doin here ? " I pinch her cheeks and she scrunch her nose , This girl really cute

" Nini miss her muffin " She cutely said and hug me

" Nini we meet one hour before in college " I turn around and began my work , she still backhug me which make me feel love and calm

" Even a min without you feel like thousands year to me " She use her baby voice , I chuckle

" Woah I really can't believe Ruby Jane can be this sweet " I pour the coffee in cup and leave the room to give the order to coustomer...

" Miss your order" I put the coffee on table , she look at me and smile creepy

" Oh thank you hottie " She touch my abs which make me full uncomfortable

" Wow nice body " She about to touch my crotch

" YOU FUCKIN SLUT !! " Jennie pull her hair and give her a hard slap

" HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH WHAT IS MINE " Jennie throw her a big punch and that girl fell on ground , Jennie was about to kick but I held her waist to stop her

" Yah !! Leave me " Jennie tried to escape from my grip but failed

" What happened !! " Jisoo and Lisa ran out from inside and widen eyes when she saw the situation

" Just let me kill this bitch " Jennie start to jerk in my grip , Jisoo just look at me

" That girl was trying to seduce so Jennie beat her !! " I tighten the grip cause it was losing

" Okay Y/n just go with her , I will do something about it " Jisoo suggest me and I drag Jennie outside of cafe

But stubborn Jennie still want to beat her which make me annoyed , I stop front of her with serious face

" You said me you'll not beat anyone " I crossed my hands

" But she was --- "

" Always beating it's not suit you " I try to calm her

" Did you get it ?? " She nodded and look down

" Okay now let's go home " I hold her hands and began to walk , but she cling my arm while walking

After a few steps we saw a cardboard box beside the huge garbage box, which is shaking

" Woah why that box is shaking " Jennie hide behind me in scare

" Let me see " I stepped to the box but she pull my shirt

" No Y/n it's scary " I laugh at her

" It's not " I kneel down front of the box

" Ani ~ No no no " Jennie approach to me and stand behind me

I just open the box and two things jump on me , I flinched and about to yell before saw two cats

" Eomma !! " Jennie yell and cover her eyes

" Meow "

" Nini look two cats !! " I look back at Jennie who still close her eyes after that she open her eyes and gasp

" Woah cat " She sat beside me and take the white cat from my lap and pet her/him

" I think someone abandoned them " Jennie nodded and smile while playing with the cat, I giggled at the two cat

" How someone can abandoned this two cute innocent cat " She sadly said , I sigh

" What we will do now with you two buddy " I pat the orange cat , he/she furred

" We should take them at house, they are so cute " Jennie hug the white one while said

" But--"

" Please please please muffin " Jennie pout and puppy eyes to me

" Okay " I nodded and sigh , I can't resist her wanted . She squeal in happiness

" Muffin and Jane is going home with
us " She tightly hug the cat and the cat mew

" Okay let's go we have to buy their stuffs from pet shop also we have to groom them " I get up while taking the cat on my lap then I help Jennie to get up

" Let's go " She walk with me while swaying the cat on her lap

" Are you happy ? " I ask her even I can saw how happy she is

" Yes !! " She happily replied

" You thought any name for them ? " We start to walk slowly

" Yeah Muffin and Jane !! "

" It's our another names " I chuckle

" Yeah it's Muffin and it's Jane " Jennie point at orange one then the white one

" I think they also friends like us " I explain, she just smile

I pull up from my lap to up see Muffin is he/she , Muffin is male I saw

" Jennie? can you pull up Jane " She nodded and pull up a lil from her lap

" Okay pull down her " She pull down and frown at me

" What did you saw ?? " She ask in curiosity

" Muffin is male and Jane is female " I explain to her

" Okay is there any chance they will give
birth?? " She ask

" I don't know " I shake my head as no

" If they then it's will more good !! " She squeal in happiness

Then we stop front of the pet shop and go into the shop

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