( Chapter -6 )

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We enter our apartment and our eyes gone widen , Halmoni is unconscious on the floor

" HALMONI !! " I ran to her and take her head on my lap , my tears start to fall

Rosé sat beside me and check Halmoni's pulse , then she lean her head on Halmoni's cheast ..I just look at her and my body become numb cause I am so scared , I can't loss Halmoni.

" R-Ro-seé ? " I stuttered , Rosé look up at me

" We should take her hospital as soon as possible ?? " Rosé get up

" Y/n let's go !! " Lisa panickly said

I carry Halmoni and left our apartment then we stop beside the road to take a taxi but it's too late to get a taxi , The street is dark and noone is there expect me , Lisa , Rosé and unconscious Halmoni .

"Lisa !!! How can we take her to
hospital " I breathe heavily and my throat become dry , I start to panick

" Y/n don't panick " Lisa try to calm me , while looking around for a damn taxi

Suddenly a fast running car stop front of us , then the car's door open and reveling

Suddenly a fast running car stop front of us , then the car's door open and revelingJisoo

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" Get in " But we all look at her with shock , how she is here ?

" Aish !! It's not the time to admire me , get in fast !!! " Jisoo shout at us , we rolled our eyes

Lisa get in backseat then she take Halmoni then Rosé get up , they hold Halmoni . Then I stop front of driver seat

" Get in Y/n !!! " Jisoo gimme a glare

" I will drive " I replied and wipe my tears

" Huh ?!?! You have license ? " Jisoo ask me , I shake my head

" Then you can't dr-" I open the driver seat and push Jisoo , she landed to passenger seat , then I fastly get in driver seat and wear the seatbelt

" YAH !! LEE Y/N !! " Jisoo yell at me

" Bro I don't want to die !! " Lisa said from backseat while trembling

" Pudding it will be dangerous " Jisoo warn me with deep voice

" What if Police caught us cause you are driving without damn license !! " I am done with them,they are so annoying .

" Please dude let drive Miss Jisoo " Lisa beg

" Yes that bang hair girl is right " Jisoo point at Lisa and nodded

" JUST FUCKING SHUT UP , I KNOW WHAT TO DO !!! " I shout at them , they flinch and gulp .

Then I start the car and then I press the accelerator with my full strength. After sometime I pressed the break and it make a loud noise of tire . I let out a big breath cause I was driving the car in 140mph speed .

I look at the rear view mirror , Lisa and Rosé exhausted then I glance at Jisoo who look like soul less statue .I haven't time for them now, I hurryly open my seatbelt and ran to back seat . I pull out Lisa from backseat and carry Halmoni .

" I am alive ? " Lisa breath heavily and put her hand on her chest .

" Unfortunately , yes !! " I didn't mind them and ran to inside of hospital .

                      Nobody's pov

Y/n and her friends are waiting front of ICU room , Y/n is crying so mess also Rosé can't hold her tears cause her friend is crying also Lisa look so upset also was about to cry . Jisoo just look at them .

" Pudding don't cry , she will be fine " Jisoo sit beside Y/n and pat her shoulder.Y/n can't stop her tears , her heart ache .

" She is the only one person I have " Y/n sob

" What if something bad happen , then ?" Y/n cover her face and wail

" Y/n don't think negetive " Jisoo try to calm Y/n .

" It's my fault !! If didn't I leave then I can protect her " Y/n pull her own hair in frustration

" No Y/n it's not you fault , don't blame yourself " Rosé hold Y/n's both hand

" She will be okay , just pray to the god " She wipe Y/n's tears

" Everything will be fine , Y/n-yah " Y/n stop crying after hear Rosé's calming words , Jisoo just rolled her eyes

Then Doc come out from ICU , They all walk to doctor

" Who is family member of Mrs.Choi "
Y/n replied she is her granddaughter.

" Thank god you take her here in time or something could be wrong with her , and also she have to admitted here for
good " Doctor express , They all nodded

" Can we see her now ? " Lisa ask with hope

" Not now cause she need rest " They all nodded

" Okay I have to go now , I have to check up others " Doctor leave from there

" Guys we should go home it's already 6:00 am " Rosé sigh

" But --"

" No but Y/n , look at yourself your eyes look so tired " Rosé grap her Y/n's face , Y/n look at Rosé and blink softly , Rosé awed and hug Y/n ..

But there was one brunette who pull Y/n back , Rosé frown at the brunette ....

" Stay away from her " Jisoo glare at Rosé

" Nope " Rosé pull Y/n to her and stick her tounge to Jisoo which make Jisoo mad .

" Here we go again " Lisa mumble and shake her head

" How dare you blonde girl !! I said don't try get closer to Y/n " Jisoo pull Y/n again

" Y/n is my friend so I can get her
close !! " Rosé glare at Jisoo and embrace Y/n , Y/n just sigh cause she is stuck between them .

" Are you deaf !?!! I already said Y/n already someone's from childhood " Jisoo about to pull Y/n again , Y/n break the embrace and exhale a deep breath and try to calm her temper .

" Yah you two please stop , I am not in good mood for this " Y/n massage her temple in frustration , the two just look at Y/n , Jisoo open her mouth to say something but Y/n turn around to Lisa and hold her wrist

" Liz let's go " Lisa nodded then Y/n drag Lisa outside . Jisoo and Rosé give each other death glare and follow Lisa and
Y/n .

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