( Chapter - 19 )

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                          Lisa's pov

We were eating our breakfast also Y/n and Rosé join us, they denied to eat in their room ...But this situation is bad cause Rosé's seat was occupied by Jennie, who is feeding Y/n. I can feel a burning thing beside me who is stabbing her steak while glaring at Jennie ..

" Say ahhh " Y/n open her mouth and Jennie fed the pancake piece to Y/n , which she only made for Y/n, so WHIPPED !!

" Wow Nini !! Daebak !! Nice !! It's taste awesome " Y/n widen her eyes and look at Jennie

" Cause I made only for you with full of my love " Jennie hug Y/n's right side

" I told you she made nice food " Jisoo smirk at Y/n , please don't say more this chimpunk will burst in jelousy

" Yep !! " Y/n nodded and kiss on Jennie's hand

Rosé slump her fork on table and drink her water, Y/n look at Rosé and gulp

" Baby you okay ? " Y/n ask Rosé , she didn't reply , she fully ignore Y/n

" Btw guys we haven't class today " Jisoo look at us

" That's really good !! I can spend more time with our babies and also Y/n " Jennie look at the cats who are on the couch playing with theirs tails. I glance at Rosé who look so pissed so I put my hand on her thigh. After she take my hand from her thigh and intertwined her hand with myself under the table

" Chaeng-yah you okay ?? "I whispered and  she nodded

" Jendukie you can go to meet Mrs.Cho with Y/n " Y/n nodded while looking at Jennie , this bitch already fall for that sexy girl....huss!!

This bitch really forget she have a girlfriend but that's good for me ...kkkk
I will spend my time with Rosé today

" Yes I will !! " Jennie gummy smile at

" Okay kitten " Y/n pat Jennie's head and the smaller purred

                       Noone's pov

Y/n and Jennie went to meet their Halmoni...Halmoni was so happy to saw Jennie after many years.They talk about many things also they didn't forget to told about their new two babies , Jane and Muffin.

" You become more prettier and beautiful Jennie-shi " Halmoni teased Jennie who gummy smile at Y/n it's cause Y/n pinch Jen's mandu cheeks

" But unfortunately Y/n become taller than you " Halmoni pat Y/n's back

" Yeah !! she was smaller than me in childhood but how she became taller than me !?!?!! " Jennie whine and pout cutely

" Now I have to tip toe if I kiss her " Jennie wink at Y/n who slightly grin 

" Umm...I think we should go now Nini " Y/n get up from the chair and look down at Jennie

" But I want to spend more time with Halmoni " Jennie pout and cross her arms on chest , Y/n giggle at Jennie's cuteness

" Jennie it's getting late so you two should go home " Y/n nodded after Halmoni said to Jennie

" Okay Y/n will buy ice-cream for Nini " Y/n said

" Jinja !?!?? " Jennie jump on Y/n and hug her tightly

" Jinja my Nini " Y/n hug Jennie's head cause the height problem

" Okay now let's go " Y/n break the hug

" Halmoni we are going now " They wave at the old woman and leave the room

                          Y/n's pov

We was leaving the hospital but a noise make me look at the dark alley which is beside the hospital

" Did you hear something ?? " I ask Jennie who was playing with my hand

" Huh ? I didn't hear something expect ice cream " She wink at me , aish this crazy lil kitten

Again I hear a girl's voice which is calling for help , what if anybody try to rape a innocent girl ....No no I have to help her !!.

I run to the dark alley , Jennie call my name many times but I ignore it so she also follow me

" Anybody help me !! " I saw a man pinned a girl on a wall and trying to kiss her and another one is waiting for his turn

" Y/n?? " Jisoo sounded frightened

" Yah !! You bitch !!! " I yell at the big man who face me then I got shock when I saw the girl is Jisoo !! Kim Jisoo !!

" Unnie !! " Jennie also yell , I saw the two big man observed Jennie's body and smirk

" Ow we got another girl who look sexy like hell " I pushed Jennie my behind and clench my fist

" But who is this skinny bitch ?? " The man who wear a cap and also who touch Jisoo laugh with the bald bitch who was smoking

" Leave her !! " I calmly said cause I don't want to fight with them

" Woah how can we !?! When we got this gorgeous one !! " The bald one walk to Jisoo

" Enough " I give a flying kick the cap bitch and he fell on ground

" I told you !! Don't touch her !! " I give a big punch to the bald one but her look stronger than another one

" Now that girls will see you how I will kill you !! " He smirk then kick at my stomach and I fell on ground

" You ruin our mood !! " He start to choke me , I hold his arms to release myself while struggling for breath

And the wrost thing I saw the another one approach to Jennie and hold her hair , she hissed in pain

" YAH !! " I punch at the bald face and his nose start to bleeding and I take the advantage to punch his face like punch bag , he fell from me and become unconscious

" HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH HER !! " I take an empty beer bottle which is their and hit it on his head , his head start to bleeding and fell on ground . Jisoo and Jennie widen their eyes at my state...I think I was looking like a killer in their eyes , I can't believe I make two people unconscious !!

Then we hear police siren from a far.....FUCK !!!

_________________________ 🐥💖

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~Love you all 🥰

~Love you all 🥰

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