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Steve Rogers had never raced as fast down the highway as he had done in getting home to the trailer park.
His mind was whirring in the aftermath of what he'd left Bucky and the others to deal with, as well as the fact that within hours he would be a father.

And to a real child this time...

"Seriously Lil, you really do choose your fucking moments". He cursed to himself, urging the bike on faster than it could already go. It just didn't seem fast enough. "You'd better keep that kid held in until I get there".

She'd never forgive him if he missed it, and would pass him a shovel and just tell him to go dig his own grave.

He couldn't have been more thankful to see the familiar 'Welcome to Redbanks' sign as he finally made it to town, putting his foot down and making it into the trailer park.

"Lil!" He yelled, bursting through the door and hearing the scream of pain. He followed it to the bathroom.

She was on the floor, sweat dripping from her while Laura was urging her to push. "Holy shit..." he said, Lilith looking unimpressed at him, gritting her teeth through the pain.

"Never fucking touch me again!" She screamed at him, bearing down and crying out.

"You seriously chose today to do this!" He argued back.

"Your child chose it you asshole! Now get down here and give me your fucking hand so I can break it!"

He did as she said, seeing the complete car wreck that was happening between her legs. "Jesus..."  he muttered and was then met with her nails digging painfully into his hand. "OW! What the fuck!"

"As soon as this is over, you're getting sterilised!" Lilith panted, pushing as Laura instructed her to. "This hurts so damn much!"

Laura shook her head, "Never gonna be an easy experience sweetie, keep going, head is crowning so not long now..."

"I can feel it!" She winced and pushed again.

Laura looked at Steve and smiled, giving him a reassuring nod. "Good job you made it back, don't wanna be missing something like this".

"Don't I?" He smirked and then uttered an 'ouch' on feeling Lilith digging her nails into him once more as she pushed.

"Can't we just do this later!" She groaned, "I can't push anymore, it hurts and I'm over this already!"

Laura grinned, "well the only thing to do is carry on, you've got this - big push for us and we'll have a head".

Steve leant into Lilith's ear as she rested herself back against him. "You've got this demon eyes, show us what you're made of".

She must have screamed the whole of Redbanks down as the pain ripped through her, Laura grabbing a towel and looking to them with a smile. "Got a head, just need the rest of him or her - think you can do that?"  Eyes casting themselves onto Lil.

"No..." Lilith whined and shook her head. "Look just reach up into my vagina and pull it out, I don't care anymore, I can't do it!"

Steve sighed and pushed some sweat drenched hair back from her face, "here was me thinking you had balls Lil"

Immediately she had pulled him down by his shirt, "and you'll have none after this is over - FUCK!" She yelled, another contraction hitting and pushing through the pain. "Just get it out of me! Please!"

"You're not a quitter Lil, you're doing great, even if I do wanna throw up". Steve encouraged, then catching sight of the baby's head between his wife's legs.

"Come on keep on going". Laura urged, "you're so close!"

"I'm trying!" Lilith glared as she pushed again.

"That's it! Another!" Laura told her and with the biggest push that she could muster, the pain and pressure began to disappear.

There was silence as Laura was now trying to clear the baby's airwaves. "What's happening?" Steve now urged, feeling Lilith's grip on his hand tighten.

Now he was terrified- kids were meant to scream their asses off when they were born right? So why wasn't theirs?

"Laura!" He pressed as she still was working. Back turned to them.

A small squeal sounded some moments later, and both Steve and Lilith finally exhaling with relief.

Thank fuck. Seemed their kid was already giving them heart attacks and was only just a couple of minutes old.

"Here she is..." Laura grinned placing the baby on Lilith's chest.

Steve looked at the tiny girl and suddenly knew that he wasn't going to let anything happen to her. Anyone touched so much a hair on her head then they'd be six feet under at Redrocks Canyon.

"I'll get on the phone to Bruce, we're gonna need him here as she's an early bird". Laura popped the towel over the baby so as she could keep warm against Lilith's skin and then went to make the call.

"Welldone gorgeous". Steve kissed his wife's head, brushing her damp hair back from her face. "God we have a little demon..." he'd been certain they'd have a boy, and he had been dreading that in all honesty, but a girl?

His daughter.

She was the prettiest little thing he'd seen, even if she was all scrunched up and covered in stuff. He just couldn't stop staring.

The tiny hand he saw had little fingernails. Her lips were pouty just like her mothers and now as she squealed and wailed he could easily tell that she'd probably have Lilith's anger issues.

But she was theirs...

For the first time in his life, Steve had felt as though this was the first thing he'd actually got right, even if he had thought otherwise on learning Lilith was pregnant.

They hadn't fucked this one up.

Bruce and Helen arrived sometime later and got to work, Banner sorting the baby out while Helen helped Lilith. "Think you can make it to the bed?"

"I feel like my vagina is about to fall out Helen". She came back dryly to the doctor.

"Stop being a drama demon, it's a few steps". Steve said and helped her off the floor with Helen.

"I've just pushed a human out of a small space, you want me to kick you in the balls a million times? I assure you that the pain is still worse than that".  Lilith snapped as they helped her through and into bed.

She was exhausted despite Laura saying that it had been the quickest birth she'd ever seen.

"How's she doing Bruce?" Steve asked, now coming over as he was still doing checks of the baby.

"All good", he turned and smiled. "She's gonna need a lot of feeds just to get her weight up - I'll come back and see her tomorrow but for now you guys are all set", he picked up the baby, who was wailing again, and placed her in Steve's arms.

Steve stiffened a little, never really having held a baby before let along a crying one, but soon relaxed as he realised he wasn't going to drop her.
She was tiny in his arms, eyes opening and now looking directly at him. It took him by surprise, "Come on little demon, you gotta quit that right now". He told her softly.

She stopped crying as he gently soothed her. "That's it, see, if I could shut your mom up as quick then it would be an advantage". He smirked, a little shocked that she'd stopped.

It wasn't as bad as he thought it was, holding a baby. Now he sat on the bed next to Lilith, who leant over to admire their daughter. "We still agreed on the name?" She asked and he nodded.

"Certainly suits her that's for sure". Steve agreed and passed the baby to her so as she could be fed, with Helen's guidance.

"What's the name you've chosen?" Helen asked with smile, helping Lilith to get the baby to latch on.


Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now