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Lilith took a drag of her cigarette as she helped Nat with the restock in the bar and glanced up on hearing the doors open, seeing a young blonde haired girl now stood there nervously. 

"Well, well..." Nat smirked, "what do we have here?" 

Lilith blew some smoke out, eyes still on the girl. "Shut up, she's probably lost", then  stubbing out the cigarette. "You alright?" She asked as the girl walked over and nodded. 

"Yeah, I was actually wondering whether you had any jobs - Stan said to mention his name?" She now looked at them. 

"It's her bar, she calls the shots, but if Stan sent you then that must mean he likes you". Lilith nodded, knowing that it was echoes of when she herself had walked into the bar.  Misunderstood and everyone betting she'd only last a few days before bailing. Steve especially had little faith in her, well, until the inevitable had happened. 

Nat looked to Lilith and then at Gwen, eyes silently judging like always. "You're the Stacey girl?" 

Gwen now looked nervous a little more. "Yeah...er..." 

"Your dad's works for the sheriff's department - not a good look if you want a job here...." 

Gwen looked at them. "I don't give a shit about what my dad thinks. He barely lets me have any freedom as it is". 

A smile crossed Lilith's face. "He an overprotective asshole?" 

"Overprotective, he's literally in control of my life, or at least he likes to think he is. I can't take it anymore, I'm tired of being his good little girl - hence why I wanna hit him where it really hurts". 

"I like her". Lilith looked to Nat with a smirk. "I say give her the damn job". 

Nat looked back at Gwen. "You wanna fall in with us? It's gonna take a lot, you live by our rules, are loyal to us. You can't handle it then you're clearly not up to the job..." 

"I have to get outta that house". Gwen interrupted with some desperation her tone. "Please, I can't take anymore. You may live by rules, but this life you have? It seems more free than mine..." 

"It's dangerous, not gonna lie" Lilith now rounded the bar and took her to one side. "You smoke?" 

"Only when dad's not around..." 

"What about drugs?" 

Gwen shook her head. "Yet to try them but I'm always open". 

Lilith nodded at this. "How about shooting a gun?" 

"One useful thing that dad taught me at least". 

Nat passed her a cloth. "You start now, wipe down some tables and when you're done, you can come help us restock the snacks - geez I hope we haven't made a mistake taking on this one". She muttered the last part to Lilith. 

"She needs help, to be free, and we can offer what she wants. She doesn't wanna play by daddy's games, she wants to be herself - just like I did". 

"Fine" The redhead huffed, and continued working, Gwen now getting stuck into what she was supposed to be doing, "But if she gets killed them I'm not dealing with her daddy". 

Lilith chuckled. "And that is why we have Steve". 

"Speaking of which, fucking in my store cupboard the other night?"

"Technically its his store cupboard, and we didn't want to wake Eb", Lilith threw her a cunning look. 

Nat pretended to stick her fingers down her mouth. "Surprised you're not pregnant again with the way you two fuck. 

"It's called birth control, besides with Steve how he was when I got pregnant the first time around? It wouldn't surprise me if he's the same should there be a next time, whether he says he's come around to the idea or not". 

"Has he mentioned it?" 

Lilith nodded at this. "Yeah, he's all for putting another in me, but I know it was either drink or the heat of the moment talking. Either way I'm not about to push another out any time soon. The sex is too damn good to go another nine months without - or at least with limitations". 

Gwen came over and put the cloth on the bar top. "Can I help with the snacks?" 

"Sure thing blondie, get your ass round here and pass us them from that box". Nat ordered, reverting back to the same guard she'd held with Lilith when she had first arrived.
No doubt it would stay until the newcomer had proved herself, which wouldn't take too long. Her friend didn't like anyone on first meeting them, but soon would warm like anyone else through getting to know them. "The boys will be coming in from around five or six, and believe me it's gonna be lively. Hope you can handle them". 

The blonde seemed confident enough. "I'm sure that I can". 

Lilith rolled her eyes at Nat's reply of , "we'll see". 

The music was playing and the bar was bustling later that evening. Gwen serving drinks and clearing empty bottle and glasses from various tables. Steve was sat in his usual corner observing and drinking. Lilith had told him about Gwen and now as he saw her working, he knew she'd be a good addition, especially for Peter. The kid hadn't stopped looking at her all night from where he was stood  with a few others, occasionally stealing another glance. As he looked again he caught Steve watching him and promptly walked over as the Avenger leader summoned him. 

"You gonna stare at her all night or are you gonna man up and talk to her?" He asked, pushing some tesseracts in the teen's direction. Peter popped a couple into his mouth and washed them down with his beer. 

"Staring seems like the best option...like I said, she won't go for me". 

"Even though she now works here and is pretty much going to be living at the park?" Steve's brow rose knowingly. "C'mon kid, go talk to her - she's shitting it, I can tell by her face. This girl? She's entering new territory, and she's gonna need friends". 

Peter frowned. "You're not gonna be friends with her?" 

"What I mean is, she needs someone her age to show her the ropes". 

Peter looked like he was gathering his courage and held out his hand so Steve could pass him another tesseract. He promptly swallowed it and then got up. "Ok...here I go". 

Steve smirked and lit a cigarette. 

"Trust me kid, you make that first move? You won't regret it". 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now