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Thor now came to stand next to Steve, hammer at the ready. "Loki..." he glared.

Loki smirked, "I heard about the bundle of joy and thought I'd drop in".

"You were fucking exiled". Steve snapped, "and for good reason, you don't get to 'drop in'" There was a reason he wasn't allowed back, he'd already fucked the gang around too much for him to be considered trustworthy, and so Steve had subsequently sent him away just a few years before after coming to an agreement with Thor that it was in the best interests of everyone.

Thor now shoved his hammer under his brothers chin. "You heard..." he threatened gruffly. "Leave".

Loki put his hands up in surrender. "I simply wanted to offer my congratulations".

"You just have, now leave brother, I won't ask you again". 

Loki sighed, "Very well, but I guess you're not interested as to who I happened to run into this morning". 

"Who?" Thor glared. 

"Peggy Carter". 

Steve immediately had him up against the wall. "Why the fuck are you here Loki? Because clearly you want something!" 

"I simply want to help. It's all around that you had a little run in with her and Hydra. I've had a few myself and I want nothing more than to help you bring the bitch down". 

"Once again, I'm gonna ask you why". Steve growled. 

Loki looked at him, "She took something of mine, it's worth a lot of money - remember that weapon I had?"

"The pointy stick that you used to smack Thor over the head with? Sure". 

"Well it's antique, our father gave it to me, clearly didn't trust my brother with something so precious". 

Thor slammed his brother again into the wall. "Just get to the fucking point". 

"The point is the Carter bitch took my scepter and won't give it back!" 

Steve pouted, "Shame..." 

"Look, I scratch your back and you scratch mine, you help me get my scepter back and I'll help you get rid of the Carter bitch, plus I'll be gone back into exile just like you want, how's that?". 

Thor and Steve looked to one another. "We need to think about this". 

Loki rolled his eyes, "I'm not asking to come back to the gang, I just want your help and in return I'll help you to get rid of Carter". 

"And I'm telling you we need to think about it". Steve retorted as Thor let Loki go. "Go over there and get a drink, I need to speak to the gang about this". 

Gesturing for Thor to follow, he went over to Johnny and Lilith. "He's really your brother?" Lilith now blinked. 

"Adopted." Thor clarified firmly. "He's adopted". 

She shrugged, "Makes sense - I'm guessing he's also a piece of shit as you literally had him by the throat?" 

"The biggest" Johnny replied and looked to Steve. "What does he want?" 

"For us to help him, and in return he'll fuck off and never return". 

Lilith quickly rocked Ebony as she began to cry. "I need to feed her, do you need me to be part of this decision?" 

Steve shook his head. "Johnny, go with Lil"

"Am I in danger?" She frowned. 

"No, but I don't trust Loki, none of us do and you shouldn't either". Steve told her. "Once we're done I'll come see you, but you need to stay with Johnny for now". 

She nodded, "Ok", and kissed him deeply - pulling away as Ebony began to wail. "I know you'll do the right thing". 

Steve took Johnny to one side before he left. "Your gun loaded?" 

"Yeah, am I gonna be using it?" 

"I don't trust him, especially around Lil and the baby - just keep it to hand, guard my girls with your life". 

Johnny checked that he had a few rounds and then looked at his brother. "You know I will", and then jogged off to catch up with Lilith. 

Steve watched as they got to the house and went inside, then turning to Thor. "Grab your reptile of a brother and gather the others. I think we need to all have a say as to whether we're all in agreement or not". 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now