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Steve hadn't been expecting the offer of a partnership in a new business that was going to be coming to town, but it seemed Helmut Zemo, the new owner of the Redbanks hotel was someone who would prove to be probably a good ally to them.

Zemo had money, and his 'expansion' was something that Tony wouldn't be aware of, however he knew that the bikers had more sense when it came to business, and had taken his chance to approach the Avenger leader while he had it.

"So...you wanna start up a...what is it? A strip club?" Steve sat back and took a long drag of his cigarette whilst Zemo sat across the table from him.

"Not seedy Steven, it will give off 'class'. I have interest from various contacts. Redbanks is growing and a place like this will bring in the money from businessman and others with money. More business for the trading of your ale, serum, weapons and whatnot. They will pay good prices knowing they have a set place on where to get it. I understand your brother is the one to speak to on those matters".

Steve nodded. "He had contacts all over the place, I can speak to him. If we're in this then it needs to be 50/50, I won't accept any less, you want our loyalty and partnership then we ask for yours too - after all it's our contacts for everything that you're gonna be using. You're just gonna be bringing in the people".

Bucky, who had been listening snorted. "It's the girls that'll be doing that - so, where's this club gonna be? Because no way is Stark gonna let us set that up in town".

"He will when I submit the plans for a new bar with class that will bring businessmen here, and down the stairs underneath it? It will
Be a different story, no one will know other than those who have it on authority, and our good selves of course".

Steve was thinking about it, it would mean they could have more to bring into the gang, money to keep everyone comfortable. Zemo's plans were solid and now as he looked over the blueprints he knew that this was an investment that they should go ahead with.

Zemo knew the cost of making deals with them, as Bucky had already had a gun to his head on arrival, demanding to know why a guy like him would be wanting to do business with their gang.

"50/50, and you have an agreement - I'll speak to Johnny and then we can get things started once Stark approves the plans".

"If, he approves them". Bucky added.

Zemo nodded. "You have a deal Steven Rogers. I look forward to working with you on our new venture".

Steve nodded. "And you try and undermine us? Then you know what will happen".

"Message received".

Peter was leant against the wall having a cigarette as Zemo walked out, the hotel owner nodding to him as he went on his way. "Who was that?" He asked, letting some smoke escape his mouth. Bucky now standing beside him and both of them watching. 

"Zemo, we're doing business with him". 

"Can we trust him?" 

Bucky glanced to Peter and smirked. "I like how you're now thinking kid, and apparently we can, but I won't believe it until I see profit, neither will Steve, he's not stupid". 

"What's the business?"

"New classy bar on the upstairs, but a strip club and place to trade under it. He's confident Stark will approve the plans not know what he's actually giving us. But you can't exactly illegally trade shit in a hotel. At least it won't have to be done at the bar anymore, so if he does catch wind, then it won't affect business there". 

Peter stubbed out his cigarette with his boot. "You think Stark will find out?" 

"If he does we're in the shit, anyway how you settled into your place?" Steve now came out, passing the pair a couple of beers before opening his own. 

Peter had recently moved into the trailer park, his Aunt having found out just who he was mixing with and promptly throwing him out. The kid had said he'd tried to explain to her that it would provide them with protection, but she'd not been listening - telling him to pack his bags and leave and stating how disappointed she was in him. There was no changing May's mind, and she'd even had the guts to turn up one morning as Steve was opening the garage to give him a piece of her mind. 

The Avenger leader had simply looked at her. "The kid is old enough to make his own choices. We're not murderers, we don't cause trouble. We protect the town at Stark's request and take care of our own, just like we'll take care of him. He's a good kid". 

"You won't be saying that when you're burying him". May snapped and had then left. 

Peter had been quiet for the week or so after that, not being his talkative self, but over the last month or so had slowly come around to life with the gang. He'd developed a 'no fucks' attitude, smoked, drank, he was a good worker and got along with them all - especially Johnny who had apparently found a new drinking buddy. 

"It's nice to be free, still miss May a little". 

Bucky clapped the teen on the back. "One of us now kid, no time for crying over family that don't want you - anyway, we're your family now". 

Peter nodded and took a swig of beer. "Guess you're right..." trailing off as his eyes looked across the road to where a blonde haired girl was walking into Stan's store. 

Steve nudged Bucky who looked to where Peter was. "Pretty, you know her?" 

Peter nodded. "Yeah, she's called Gwen - think her dad works at the Sheriff's office". He sighed. "She's never go for me". 

"Why not?" Steve smirked, "She got a boyfriend?" 

"Just wouldn't look my way that's all. I'm not exactly her type". 

"How the fuck could you possibly know that?" Bucky now snorted. 

Peter was silent. "She looks like she dates popular guys, not bikers. I've seen her hanging around with a couple that's all". 

Steve shook his head. "Then she's not worth the bother. Trust me, you'll find someone who falls into the life and for who you are". 

"Like Lil?" Peter now asked. 

"Yeah, like Lil - sure she came from the background but she'd not lived that life. We all underestimated her at the start, but she soon showed she was more. Maybe this Gwen might do as well". 

Peter finished the can of beer and crunched it in his fist. "Doubt it, I'm gonna go get back started on that car". Heading back inside the workshop and leaving Steve and Bucky to finish their beer. 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now