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"It would appear we have a problem". Bucky said as he leant against the door to the office at the garage one afternoon.

Steve looked up from the books. "If nothing's on fire then I don't wanna know", going back to adding up the months earnings. They'd been raking in loads thanks to Stan and his sabotaging ways, and now with the hotel open - more and more tourists were having car trouble...


"It's the kid's birthday".

Steve looked up. "Wait, which one? Coz if it's one of Barton's..."

"Parker". Bucky confirmed. "He hits eighteen today - and none of us have fucking remembered apart from your wife".

"And she didn't fucking tell us?" A flicker of irritation crossed Steve's face. 

"Apparently she assumed you knew - anyway she's pissed with us and is now planning a celebration at the bar tonight, we can't let the kid leave..."

Steve sat back and sighed. "So where the hell is he now?"

"Outside talking to Stan - Lil's getting a cake, Nat's busy making sure we have enough drink, Sam and the others are getting presents". Bucky said. "What the fuck do we give him?"

Steve sat back and looked at Bucky. "I think it's time to make him an honorary member of the gang".

"You sure he's ready?"

"He's not put a foot wrong".

"Yet..." his friend pointed out.

Steve snorted. "He follows orders, anyway we can use him as a spy if we need to, no one would suspect a teenager, least of all him. He can pull off deception, he looks young enough".

Bucky nodded, knowing that if his friend thought that Peter was ready, then he couldn't argue with that. "Alright - we got a jacket?"

"I'll have Lil dig one out for him". Steve said and then suddenly had an idea come to him. "And I have just the right thing we can all give to him, but I'm gonna need to head out to the lock up - think you can keep him working until closing?"

"Sure... what you digging out?"

"One of the old bikes we've been meaning to sell, he's pretty much able to ride now so why not give him his first set of wheels? He's gonna need them anyway".

Bucky nodded his approval. "No more juice cartons, just beer and pym particles, maybe some super serum if he can handle it".

"Better to start him on those rather than the tesseract cubes" Steve smirked, knowing Bucky would go into 'dad mode' if he caught the kid eyeing up those or stones. He'd banned those from the bar ever since Lil's overdose. The last thing he wanted was a repeat with her or any member of his gang. Thankfully his wife stuck to the usual poison, less now than she had before Ebony had come along.  "Right I'd better go now if I'm to have this thing up and running by tonight". He said, getting up and grabbing his jacket.

"What time at the bar?" Bucky asked.

"Eight". Steve confirmed, starting his bike and riding out.

Another member to add to their gangs legacy, and he knew Peter would certainly be getting his hands dirty sooner or later.


"I can't believe you didn't fucking remember his birthday". Lilith rolled her eyes as she sat outside their home watching Steve do up the bike whilst she was enjoying a beer. A rare moment where their daughter was actually asleep and they could finally get shit done. "He's only been on about it every day for the last week". 

"Funnily enough I have other shit to worry about than listening to Peter". 

"And yet here you are giving him a damn bike for his birthday". 

"To be in this gang you need to ride". 

Lilith snorted. "I got in and I didn't ride". 

"You rode me soon after though, that's different". Steve glanced up with a devilish grin and then went back to working on the engine. 

"Yeah, and look where it got me". She took a swig of beer and puckered her lips into a kiss.

He got up and walked over, pulling her out of the chair she sat on and into his arms, his wife now holding the bottle over his mouth and tipping some of the contents into it. He swallowed it, then kissing her hard, the taste of beer lingering on their lips. "We're not having sex now asshole - you need to fix up the damn bike". She scolded lightly as she pulled away. 

"I can't fix the bike when you're sat there turning me on just by putting your mouth around that bottle". He growled slightly. 

"Well you're just gonna have to suffer". She smirked. 

"Demon" he muttered, a little put out and took the bottle from her, "open wide..." she did, the remainder of the beer splashing down onto her tongue and into her mouth. Once it was empty, Steve chucked the bottle over his shoulder, the smash being heard on the ground. 

Lilith yanked him down by the shirt and kissed him again, then pulling away. "Just get the bike done, I'm gonna go dig out a jacket that'll fit him and then head to the bar to help Nat. Thor's got a hell of a lot of ale to bring us". 

"You gonna be wearing something fuckable?" He asked, hoping that by the end of the evening her mouth would be around more than just a beer bottle. 

"Depends if you're a good boy". 

"You know I'm not". Already he could feel the stirring in his pants. 

"Then that's good enough for me".  She smirked and disappeared inside to gather what she needed. 

Tonight was going to be a hell of a party for sure. 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now