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"When was the last time we ever had any time to ourselves to do this?" Steve asked as he passed a beer to his wife who was perched on the bike looking out at the view.

The pair had escaped to Redrocks Reach for a break from the hustle and bustle that had been going on lately. With Zemo's plans for the bar approved, work was taking place to get it up and running. So much so that Lilith hadn't seen Steve much, and to say it was taking a toll on their relationship was something.

The arguments had been scathing, to the point where she'd walked and spent a night at Nat's. He had begrudgingly apologised, vowing to try and keep the balance between work and time with his family level. He;d decided to take Lilith back to the place where they'd had their first kind of 'date', with Laura offering to take Ebony for a few hours whilst they made their escape.

"When we didn't have a child". Lilith replied, taking a swig from her bottle.

He missed this, the pair of them just heading off on the bike when they wanted to, creeping around in the early hours, screwing at every possible moment (ok so that technically still applied, but they were cock blocked more often).

Sitting behind her, his arms slid around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder as his lips gently brushed across the smooth skin of her neck, sucking it slightly so as it could leave his mark on her. "I'm sorry I've been an asshole lately...but there's a lot of shit I'm having to deal with - this whole thing with Zemo, the day job, working out trade with the people Johnny knows - I'm doing this for us, for everyone..."

Her head turned and gave him a light peck on the cheek. "I know, it's just hard, Ebony's teething and unsettled - and i feel alone. You didn't get home until 4am the other morning..."

"I promise it'll be worth it, geez do you really think I wanna be staying away from you? You're the drug I fucking run on Lil, I eat, sleep and breathe you, so don't think I'm enjoying this because I'd rather be at home railing you into the next century than having to plan and eat turkish delight with Zemo and the others".

She rested her head against his, relishing in the silence for once.

No bikes.

No drunken rowdiness.


Just the two of them.

Recently she'd been pondering on just what could have been had her mother chose not to leave. Would she have been pitted against him if her father had raised her. Her protection would have been paramount for a start. The one who was the heir to the Hydra legacy.

Now and thankfully it was rotting along with those who had died for it.

"We could have turned out so differently..." she now said out loud. "You and me? If I'd have remained in Hydra, we'd have been shooting bullets at one another".

"Even more than we already do?" He smirked. "Lil, if you were still Hydra when we met then it's possible that I'd have been hooked on you just as much as I became when I first had that taste".

"One lick and you were whipped, it didn't take much did it?"

He chuckled. "Not only that, but something about you? It sent me wild, you weren't afraid to challenge me, piss me off, and you're still not. It's what I love about you, bitch". Leaning in and kissing her once more. "And look what we made? A little demon with just as much of an attitude on her as you".

"Except, unlike us, she'll have a father to protect her". She pointed out, Steve pulling her in for another kiss, then sliding her jacket off.

"Let's make the most of this view..." he looked at her with feral eyes, getting off the bike and leading her over to the blanket they had laid out beforehand. His lips crashed back onto hers, hands now ridding her of the offending garments that were her clothes.

She pulled away and leant into his ear. "Fuck me like it's the first time..."

He felt himself harden more than he already was and throwing his own clothes off, pulled her legs apart - kissing up the inside of one until he came to the place that could send him spiralling on a complete high.

"I'm gonna make you squirt like you never have demon eyes". He uttered, looking at her as he went down and began to drag his teeth up one of her folds.

Lilith threw her head back with a gasp, a hand now coming to tug at his hair as his tongue lapped away around her clit, face pressed into her so he could savour her to the very last drop he could extract.

"Fuck...fuck keep doing that". She moaned, feeling him now feeling him push a couple of fingers into her.

He stopped briefly. "You want it like it's the first time? This is what I wanted to do". Then going back down and sucking at her clit once more.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" Her voice was a little strained, feeling the intense sensation building within her.

"I didn't say it was just this?" He smirked, her response to him better than he expected. "Fucking you al fresco? I'm gonna build you up and then bring you crashing down, even now I can tell you need to cum, just by how tight you're clenching around my fingers ..."

Smug words, but he had every right to be. He was making her crazy. "Do you need to cum?" He now asked mockingly

The look she threw back was one of defiance. "No..."

"Alrighty then, but just so we're clear? I can do this all day". He shrugged.

She sat up and yanked him down into her by his neck, "I wanna be filled with you, so you'd best start stuffing that dick into me before my libido is spent, Rogers". Hissing at him.

"Thought you'd never give in". He mused and pulled her up and onto his lap, guiding her onto him with both of them letting out satisfied moans as they connected. His face buried itself in the valley between her breasts as she began to move up and down his cock. "I'm right in there Lil". A hand moved to her abdomen to feel him inside. "All the way in, you're gonna be so full of me that there's no chance I'm not gonna get you all nice and round again".

When he talked about that it made her head spin in euphoria. On instant her nails dug into his shoulders, moving against him faster and yelping as he began to hit the right places.

"Let me cum, please...."

She was at his mercy now, feeling him grow a little more inside of her.

He grabbed her by the hair and turned her head so she could look at him. "Let me see those demon eyes, keep 'em on me when you cum"

Just that was enough to make her release all over him with a moan, eyes staring into his while she felt him shoot hot ropes of his own release into her at the same time. Both of them holding on to one another until they finally finished, rasps of breath being the only sound that filled the air.

Steve kissed her hard, then looking at his wife while she still was trying to recover.

"Everytime I look at you demon? It's always like it's the first time".

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now