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Within the next few weeks that passed, Redbanks was changing. The hotel that Stark had commissioned was all finished and now ready to open to tourists from near and far. 

The manager was a man called Mr Zemo, hired by Stark for his years of experience within the hospitality sector. He also had a love for Turkish delight so old Stan had told Steve one morning when he'd gone to the store to grab some more cigarettes. 

"Oh and there's that new girl and her nephew that have moved in round the corner from Agatha actually." Stan said, sliding the box of cigarettes across the counter. "Nice girl actually, she came in for a few essentials the other day - May? I think she said her name was, or actually was it June..." Stan now trailed off as he questioned himself. 

"How old's the kid?" 

"Probably around sixteen, seventeen at the most - I don't think he'll be any trouble". 

"Well if he is then we'll have to sort him out". Steve smirked. "Have a good day Stan". 

"You too - actually how's that kiddie of yours? She's gotta be getting big". 

Steve chuckled, "She's a little nightmare, but that's just how we like her." 

There was nothing more that he enjoyed now than coming home to have girl waiting for him. Sure most of the time she'd be wailing at it was feeding time, but after that she would soon calm down and snuggle down to sleep against his chest. 
After everything that had happened, Steve was even more protective over his daughter than he had been from the moment she was born. 

"Enjoy her". Stan smiled. "I mean, none of us know just how much sand we got in our timers". 

"Mine's probably less than anyone else's by now" 

Stan's smile still didn't falter. "I know you'll be making the most of it, right down to that last single grain". 

"What took you so long?" Bucky asked when Steve walked back into the workshop. "I thought I was gonna have to kick this truck's ass all by myself". 

"Still not running for you?" Steve asked, now coming over to inspect the engine. "And in answer to your question I was talking to Stan". 

Bucky leant against the truck and sipped his beer. "About what?" 


"You can't be fucking serious" He laughed. "You talking about life? What did he say?" 

Steve walked outside and lit his cigarette. "He just asked about Eb and somehow the conversation go onto how much time we all have left". He took a drag and blew out the smoke. "Guess it just made me think I shouldn't take so much shit for granted". Now his gaze fell down to the area under his top where the ugly scar from Rumlow's bullet remained as a constant reminder of just that. 

"When it's our time it's our time - ain't nothing we can do about that pal, and in this life? One like ours? You're right, we shouldn't take shit from granted". 

Finishing his cigarette Steve went back inside to see whether he could get the truck started while Bucky took a break. As he was finishing the last of his beer he saw a teenage boy begin to approach and frowned. 

"Erm Hi...I erm, wondered whether you were hiring at all?" The teen stumbled over his words and looked a little cautiously at him. 

"Who's asking?" 

The boy looked confused, "Erm...me?" 

"Oh...yeah, course - what's your name kid?" He was too tired for this shit. 

"Peter. Peter Parker." 

Bucky stubbed out his cigarette. "Well we've not got any jobs going at the moment. You could try the new hotel or if you're that desperate? The Sheriff's office". He brushed him off. He wasn't here to spend all day talking to a kid. 

Steve came out, wiping his hands on the rag. "What's going on?" 

"Kid wants a job, told him we've got none". Bucky replied. 

The Avenger leader rolled his eyes and then looked at Peter up and down. "You know much about cars? Bikes? Anything at all?" 

"Er...you can stick a key in the ignition and it starts?" 

"Jesus Christ" Bucky muttered, covering his face with his hand. "Steve you can't be serious?" 

Peter now spoke. "I wanted to learn, an apprenticeship? I mean you don't even have to pay me, it's just that I tried everywhere, Even the mayor's office, but he had nothing - I just wanna help my aunt". 

Steve could see he wanted a job, that he was desperate to do something with himself and for someone else. Perhaps with a little moulding he could be gang potential at some point, but right now that was unclear. He looked across at Bucky and then back to Peter. "Your aunt?" 

"Yeah...we lost our apartment in a fire back in the city. Someone said that this place was growing, that there would be job opportunities? Guess not..." He sighed. 

"Where you from kid?" Steve asked


He nodded, already having made up his mind about Peter Parker. "Well they were right about this place growing, and you say you wanna help? Well we could always use an extra pair of hands. How about we train you up, get you started and - if your aunt isn't the type to shoot us - teach you how to ride a bike". 

"I can ride a bike..." Peter looked confused. 

"Not that kind" Bucky rolled his eyes and pointed to his and Steve's. "That". 

Peter's eyes widened, "Woah, you'd let me?" 

Steve nodded. "You said you wanted to help? We could just have a place for you if you earn it". 

Peter looked apprehensive. "I'm not sure that Aunt May would like that, not that I'm saying you guys are bad and all..."

Bucky now smirked. "No, we're the worst - what Aunt May doesn't know won't hurt her kid". Now he steered him in the direction of the workshop, "c'mon, if you're gonna help out then we're starting now". 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now