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Two Years Later

"Daddy take". Ebony passed Steve a wrench as he worked on the bike outside the home.

Another hot day, and the kids were outside playing, dogs barking and running along after them. And for once everything in Redbanks was well. Since the downfall of the Flag smashers, and Captain Stacy, the group had lived without threat, trade thriving and business at Zemo's busier than ever.
People and tourists alike accepted that they were part of the community, and even though the stigma of their lifestyle was still there and a subject of discrepancy amongst anyone, they didn't care. They had the right to their land and businesses. If people didn't like that then tough .

This turf was theirs.

"Thanks Ebby". He said as she now passed him more tools that he didn't need, but took anyway, his daughter thinking she was helping.

She was his little demon and anything the little demon wanted, she got.

Speaking of which, he now noted his other in the arms of his wife as she came outside with a bottle of beer for him. "There's my boy". His face lit up more as he took his son from Lilith as well as the beer. "You still sleepy bud?"

The baby was restless in his arms but soon settled as Lilith rubbed his back. "Wanted milk more than anything. He's a greedy little bastard".

Axl had come along just months before to extend their family just that little bit more. Steve had always been apprehensive about having a son of his own, purely because he wanted to be nothing like his father had been. "If anything, it gives you a chance to be what he wasn't". Lilith had said as they had watched over him just hours after his birth.

He was aiming to be just that. The father that never was, and he hoped to hell that he was and would do a good job of it. Steve was sure Lil would soon tell him whether he was being an asshole or not.

Just hours later, and leaving the kids in the capable hands of Clint and Laura, the pair hopped onto the bike and rode to the lookout sharing a cigarette between them as the sun went down.

"What'd I tell you demon? All this? It's ours". Steve told her as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, "And always will be, nothing and no one will take it from us".

She turned her head and placed a kiss on the corner of his lips with a mischievous smirk, the sunlight reflecting off his sunglasses as it continued to set over them and the canyon. "Whatever it takes, asshole...whatever it takes".


Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now