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Loki put the phone to his ear. "You shouldn't be calling, the agreement was for me to call you when we were all set".

"And are we?" Peggy asked irritably down the line, "you told me you could bring me him". Seeing as Brock had fucked it up for her, it was now down to her to get rid of Steve once and for all.

"Oh but I have something far better than your ex boyfriend..." he told her smoothly, "something worth more than its weight in gold".

"Just shut up and get to the point". Peggy snapped, already fed up of having her ally beat around the bush.

Loki smiled to himself. "I'm going to bring you the little brat of his - you know he'll come running".

"So it's here then".

Now this was interesting, and already she knew of Steve newest weakness - his child.

"Mhmmm, saw her myself last night, one of the Hydra boys that got away told me that Rogers sped off on hearing that his whore of a demon wife was giving birth. Tiny little thing, but if it brings you him more easily then I'm prepared to take the risk of kidnap".

Peggy huffed, "just bring me the little brat and let's get this over with. We had a deal remember".

"Yes, yes - my sceptre for Steve Rogers, I know", Loki reiterated quickly. "I need some time though, they already don't trust me, I need to earn it back".

"Well hurry the fuck up about it, otherwise you'll end up like Brock and the rest of them, except I'll be the one who kills you".

"How sweet, I'll call you". Loki replied smoothly and hung up before Peggy could say anything else.

She smirked to herself and stuffed the phone into her pocket. There was no greater love than that of a father and his new daughter, and Peggy knew for a fact that Steve Rogers would walk through fire when it came to the life of a child, especially his own.


Lilith woke and rolled over to feel Steve's warmth, not finding him there and instead an empty space of where he'd been hours before.
It was unusual for him to rise so early, especially after a night of drinking, but now she sat up and looked around she knew why.

Walking into the kitchen and living room she noted the shirtless figure lying on the couch, arms tightly around the tiny baby who was lying against his bare chest.

Something inside her melted at the sight, her hormones were also in overdrive so seeing her husband lying with their daughter sleeping peacefully against tattooed skin made her go weak.

Walking over to them she smirked and leant down kissing Ebony's head and then moving to kiss Steve's lips.

"Mmmm that's a pretty nice wake up...better than the one I had a couple of hours ago..." he opened one eye and saw Lilith looking at him with some amusement.

"You should've woke me, was she ok?"

"Cried like a bitch until she got her milk but yeah, seems she only wanted me for her bottle". He smirked.

Lilith chuckled, "and your body, she looks comfy".

"I didn't wanna wake her so I just stayed here, it was already hot as balls when I woke up".

"If it's any consolation, you look pretty fucking good shirtless with a baby".

Something about guys like him holding tiny babies was a turn on, especially as it was him.

He smirked, "guess you're gonna have to get used to it".

"See? Already she's turned you into a softie". Lilith said as she made her way over to make them breakfast.

"Have you seen her? She's too damn gorgeous to say no to". He now sat up, Ebony stirring and grizzling slightly, rubbing her face against him. "Hey, we had a deal kid, I gave you the goods and in return you sleep".

Of course his daughter hadn't learnt the ways of dirty dealings yet, and instead began to wail. Lilith came over and settled herself down next to Steve, taking Ebony from him and beginning to feed her.

"You never get your boobs out for me when I moan for them". He huffed.

"You need to learn to not be such an asshole and share". Lilith shot back in jest. "Besides, this is food in her eyes".

"They're pleasure in mine..." he half growled, wanting nothing more than to pick her up and take her to the bedroom to have his way with her. "God I love it when you get them out freely, it's like fucking Christmas", and kissed her neck.

Lilith grabbed his face with her free hand and turned it to look at her. "Does it get you riled up?"

"You know it does".

"Well perhaps when Ebony's asleep later on I can give you some attention with my mouth". Her look was suggestive.

Fuck to the yes.

Even now he was hardening in his jeans. Cho had instructed them to not be physical until it was safe to do so. Until then his wife would just have to use that pretty little mouth he loved.

"You'd better demon, or you're gonna regret making that suggestion".

"I always keep my promises", and sealed her statement with a long and lingering kiss.

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now