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"You sure letting this servant back into the gang is a good idea pal?" Bucky asked later on that evening, both of them sat drinking away from the others. "We exiled him for a reason".

The pair looked over to Loki who was drinking with Thor, who had a firm watch on his brother.
The gang had all been in agreement that if they got the sceptre and he dealt with Peggy then he wouldn't bother them again.

Steve was still sceptical and soon know if his instincts turned out right.

Loki had never been loyal to anyone, so why start now? At least here they could keep an eye on him and monitor his every move. It was better than letting him go and only have brief contact.

"He's got something up his sleeve, Sam's already volunteered to watch what he does, and he'll be living with Thor so he must know he needs to earn our trust back.

"The word 'trust' and 'Loki' don't go together - I hope you know what you're doing". He sighed.

Steve nodded, "he'll lead us to Peggy at least..."

Bucky's head whipped round to look at him. "That why you're doing it? Because Peggy..."

"I wanna kill the bitch, and if it means Loki throwing me under the bus then that's fine by me". Steve's eyes now darkened.

"Not of Lil has anything to do with it. You've got a kid now, or don't you remember?"

"That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. As long as Peggy is around, Eb isn't safe". He wasn't doing this for an ego boost, he had to think of his daughter now.

Loki knew he was on thin ice with them all, but just when that would break was hard to tell. Apparently strict planning was to go into getting his pointy stab stick back, so when the time of betrayal would come was beyond Steve's knowledge.

But he would be ready.


"Are you fucking nuts?" Johnny had hissed when Steve had returned home and told him what was happening. "You don't trust him and you let him back in?"

The brothers looked to the bedroom door where behind it Lilith was asleep. They almost were expecting her to barge through it and kick their asses but the door remained closed.

Johnny looked back at his brother, "don't we have enough to worry about with Walker and his flag fucker gang without this as well?".

"Which is why Loki will lead us to them eventually- Peggy is in league with them, and wherever she is then that's where Walker and his gang will be".

Looks return was almost too convenient, and the red flag had been him hearing about Ebony's birth. He'd always been in for himself. If he wanted to play Steve then Steve would certainly do so himself and just as well. It was clear to him now that there was some deal going on.

The younger sibling sighed. "I really hope you know why you're doing Steve. We had enough of this shit with Hydra".

Steve shrugged, "just another obstacle we need to deal with - anyway you staying?"

Johnny nodded and stretched with a small yawn. "Yep, I'm too tired to head back, I'll be outta your hair in the morning".

"Stay as long as you want, we've got the room", and have him a clap on the back. "I'll see you in the morning".

Once Johnny had gone into his room, Steve made for his own. Closing the door quietly so as not to wake Lil or the baby.

She rolled over and snuggled into him as he got into bed, shaking his arms around her. "I heard everything asshole". She whispered sleepily.


"How much?"

His wife clearly had sonic hearing, or she'd been at the door listening in on them.

"All of it, you and Johnny can't talk quiet for shit - so you've let Thor's weird emo looking brother back in? Are you trying to kill yourself on purpose?"

"If we let him go then there would be more of a threat. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer? That's exactly what I'm doing".

He was half expecting her to lecture him but instead she just nodded against his chest, used to his way of thinking by now. "I trust you".

His lips pressed against her hair. "Then you'd be the first to".

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now