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"But can't you just tell Nat to find someone else?" Steve asked as Lilith stared at him. 

"There's a shit load of punters tonight, she needs the extra hands - look you'll be fine. Ebony's milk just needs to be warmed and she'll most likely sleep for the amount of time I'll be gone" 

Steve followed her through to the bedroom where she began to get ready. "Lil...I don't even know what to do with her..." 

"You pick her up if she cries and either try her with a bottle or not - it's not rocket science" she rolled her eyes and shrugged on her jacket. "Look, I don't want you calling just because you don't know how to put on a diaper - which you do, I've shown you loads". 

"I can't fucking remember everything!" 

She gave him a kiss. "I don't wanna go, but Nat needs me - I'll be a few hours, you'll be fine. If you can fix a bike then you can sit and watch our kid". 

Then she was gone. 

Steve looked at Ebony who was wriggling in her cot. "Soooo...what do you wanna do?" He asked. She simply kept gurgling, opening her mouth and letting out a small yawn. "Yeah, good idea, sleep". 

The conversation was one sided and Steve pulled out his phone to call Bucky. "Where are you?" 

"About to head to the bar, why?" 

"Lil's fucked off to help Nat and left me with the kid, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing". 

"And you expect me to know?" Bucky now questioned. 

"No, but you could come over and just drink with me. She'll probably sleep anyway". 

Bucky chuckled. "I'll bring a supply of beer and Sam - three men and a baby yeah? How hard could it be?" 

"Don't fucking jinx this Buck, the only thing I know how to do is hold her the right way". 

"It's a start." Bucky sounded amused. "I'll text Sam and head on over - whatever you do, don't make your kid cry". 

Steve rolled his eyes and hung up, looking back at Ebony who was still awake and beginning to fuss. "Oh no, no, no! Don't do thaaaat" He groaned, "Your uncle Bucky and uncle Sam are heading on over! You can't make me out to be a shit dad". 

Ebony obviously gave no fucks, because now she began to wail. 

"Well that's just great..." Steve rolled his eyes and began to try and stop her. "Look, how about peekaboo?" and began to try and see if it calmed her. 

She cried more. 

"Look don't be like your mom please?" He groaned and picked her up, the crying not stopping. "Eb, c'moooooon" 

He could do this. He could show Lilith he was fully capable of being left in charge of their kid. 

The knock on the door and then Bucky and Sam walking in was like music to his ears though. "He-woah! Upset her already?" Sam now asked, seeing the red faced child screeching against Steve's chest. 

"She won't shut up, she was literally about to go to sleep - and Lil said she won't need her bottle until later". Steve looked at them. 

"Does she want some whiskey?" Bucky suggested

"What! No!" 

"One sip won't hurt - pretty sure that's what Barton uses to shut Nathaniel up". 

Steve glared at him. "I'm not giving my kid some Jack Daniels to shut her up". 

"Try the bottle then?" Sam suggested as he was met with some looks. "Look, babies are unpredictable man! I got two nephews, I know this shit". 

Steve passed him Ebony. "Take her, let me find the damn bottle". and went to see whether it was in the fridge. 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now