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Lilith began to wipe down the bar as the doors flung open and heavy boots crossed the floor, the black clad woman now looking around.

"We're closed". Lilith announced.

"Not for me you're not - whiskey, make it a double". The woman slid onto a chair at a table. "And pour yourself one too - you know why I'm here and we're going to have a lovely girl talk".

Lilith began to make the drinks. "I mean, I would, but I really have no fucking clue who you are".

"Hela...I currently lead the flag smashers".

"How wonderful for you - how is John anyway? Last I saw of him, he and his dogs were running for the hills. You're leading a group of pussies". She brought the drinks over and placed Hela's in front of her. "Double, as asked".

Hela smirked, "well aren't you a good little demon? You like this for all the guys in your gang? I know my brother would like it".



Lilith looked at her and made a face. "I'm starting to think he was the one adopted, given that you and Loki look like you borrow one another's clothes, same hair, eyeliner..."

"Our family is fucked, I'll admit that - but Loki is the adopted one believe it or not". Hela rested one long leg over the other, lounging on the chair and looking hard at Lilith. "But what family isn't? I'm sure you of all people can relate".

"Sure can, and you wouldn't be the first to remind me either, so if you think it's something that I lose sleep over? I really don't - my husband does enough to make it that way". She turned her chair backwards and sat astride it, resting forward against the back of it. "And while this really is a lovely conversation? Do you mind telling me what the fuck you want so I can kick your ass outta here a whole lot quicker?"

Hela made a sarcastic wince. "Oooh, you are firey. And I know you have the girl, had a heads up from my sources that she never left the bar, and neither did you or that little baby of yours..."

Lilith stared at her. "Well they're not here, they're long gone".

Hela was up and immediately dragging Lilith across the bar, slamming her against the wall and holding her there by her neck. "Now you see? I know you're lying out of that perky ass of yours - so you tell me where the girl is? And we can leave here with no more discrepancies- it would be a shame to leave a child motherless after all.

"Fine". Lilith choked as Hela dropped her and she crawled to the table. "Why the fuck do you want her anyway?"

"A contractual agreement. I'm sure you understand those". Walking back to the table, Hela pulled Lilith up by her jacket and slung her onto the chair.

She sat there for a moment. "If I give you Gwen, will you leave? Leave me and my baby?"

The older woman pouted. "Almost sounds like you're begging".

"When it involves my kid? I want you to swear you won't touch her, that you'll fuck off and we'll have no further trouble". She asked, rubbing her neck where the marks from the other woman's nails and fingers had gripped around it.

Hela huffed. "I won't touch the child, you however? I make no promises".

"That's good enough for me, let's drink to it then" Lilith got her glass and raised it so they could toast.

Hela took hers and then swapped it with Lilith's own. "Do you really think I'm that stupid demon?" She asked sweetly, "I know you've poisoned the shit out of this".

Lilith rolled her eyes. "What is it with all these women in gangs and trust issues? I haven't poisoned nothing".

"So prove it". Lilith looked at the drink and then at Hela who was now becoming impatient. "For fuck sake". She now grabbed Lilith's face with her hand and tipped the content of the glass into her mouth. "Swallow like a good demon, it'll be over soon". She soothed, Lilith now coughing and spluttering as she fell to the floor on her hands and knees, still coughing.

Hela smirked triumphantly and downed her drink. "Shame you weren't in my gang, you'd have..." she stopped and suddenly began to cough, now grabbing at her neck as Lilith looked up at her and then grinned. "You bitch..."

"Kimoyo beads...I wasn't lying when I said your drink wasn't poisoned. But when you swapped them? Well you sealed the deal for yourself". Lilith held up one of the death balls filled with the poison that Hela had just ingested. "It's quick, if anything I've been kind to you". She explained as Hela fell to the floor and began to wither around, now coming to stand over her. "And in answer to your question earlier? Yes, I do think you're that stupid. Stupid enough to technically poison yourself". Heading over to the bar so as Hela could hurry up with dying and taking the whiskey bottle, drinking from it.

Finally the flag smasher leader fell still and silent, Lilith going over and nudging her with her foot. "I still think Thor's the adopted one..." she shook her head to herself and then noted Hela's phone beside her. She'd tried to call someone...

Captain Stacy.

Now why didn't that surprise her?

She'd deal with him later, but for now it was time to give Walker a call. "Hela..." he picked up within a few rings. "Just about to kick some avenger ass..."

"Not Hela" Lilith replied. "The bitch is dead and quite frankly you guys? You're so screwed..."

"What did you do?"

"What didn't I do? I've sent a few pictures just to show you I'm not lying, and if I'm capable of this on my own? Imagine what a whole gang is against yours? It's over John, and you know it. You, Captain Stacy and your little friends will be locked away until you rot..."

John snarled at this. "That's what you think. I'm gonna out a bullet into the kid? And then another into your husband".

Lilith snorted. "I mean you'd be doing me a favour for sure, but you already failed once - what's one more time to even things out?"

"Killing Hela? It's cost you demon, an eye for an eye, kill them" he now yelled to someone and then hung up.

Lilith swallowed, not knowing what was to come, but John had been bluffing, she could tell from his voice. Now going to the store cupboard, she let Gwen out and took Ebony. "We need to get out of here", leading her to the back door and taking that way out. Both of them began to run and to make in the direction of town - but stopped on seeing someone different waiting there for them.

"Dad..." Gwen looked at him as he now held up his gun. "Get out of the way Gwen..."

Lilith rolled her eyes as the gun was pointing to her, "Why does everybody want to kill me today! First Hela and now you?"

"I should've done it when I came to the trailer park, Gwen! Move here now!"

"No!" She now took out her own gun and pointed it at him. "She has a baby! And you're pointing a fucking gun at them!"

"Because they're scum! All of them! Both her and the kid, the world would be better with them gone - two less to deal with!"

Gwen stared at him. "Are you even hearing yourself right now? Look I'll go with you ok? I'll come home and never set foot here again. Like you want? Just put the gun down please?"

Captain Stacy looked from his daughter to Lilith, clicking the safety catch from the gun.

There was a shot and he fell to the ground in pain, Gwen now looking at the gun in her hand and then dropping it in shock at what she'd done. Not enough to kill him, but enough to render his leg inactive for some time. Lilith gave her Ebony and went over, quickly kicking his gun away so as he couldn't reach it. "It's over Captain" was all she told him and then led Gwen away, assuring her that what she had done was the right thing.

Captain Stacy would be put behind bars for a while that was for sure.

Steve's name flashed up on her phone and she quickly answered it. "Tell me you're alive and not bleeding out in a ditch somewhere?"

"I'm very much intact - well, dislocated my shoulder but I'm sure you can smack it back into place - are you ok?" He asked.

Lilith looked back at Captain Stacy who was simply lying and waiting for death to come while Gwen was calling Sheriff Ross as well as Bruce.

"Yeah...we're gonna be fine".

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now