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The sound of bikes filled the air as one by one the convoy of bikers from every gang rolled into the trailer park. The Guardians, The Fantastic's, The Shield gang and the Avengers all pulled up and got off. Steve waiting for them while Laura was in the house trying to keep Lilith calm. 

Steve immediately had Thor against the wall once the biker came up to him, "Where the fuck is your brother!" 

"Steve!" Nat came between them. 

"My kid is missing and he's the only one who's not fucking here! So where is he!" 

Thor shrugged his sleeveless jacket back into place and now showed Steve his phone. "Tracked his phone to this place, so unless he's left it there and run then we should find him". 

"He won't be alone" Steve now said, passing the phone back and looking at everyone. "He's gonna have back up, he's taken Eb for a good reason but he chose the wrong person to fuck with", and now looked at Lilith emerged from the house loading her gun. "You don't try and undermine me and the she demon". Slinging an arm around his wife. 

Lilith looked at them all and then at Thor. "I don't give a shit if he's adopted or not. He's a dead man walking". 

Thor nodded. "Like Steve always says - whatever it takes". Giving her confirmation that if Loki needed to be taken down then he agreed with it. "I sent everyone the location..." 

"Let's bike up and head there then, he's more than likely with Peggy and the Flag Fuckers, so everyone make sure your guns are loaded, and weapons ready - it's about to go down". Steve nodded and steered Lilith towards his own, knowing that she wasn't about to stay behind and twiddle her thumbs. "We're gonna get her back Lil..." 

She said nothing, already feeling dead inside at the thought of her child in the arms of the enemy. "I want to be the one to kill her...he's taken Eb to Peggy to make an exchange for that stupid pointy stick thing of his" 

It was obvious and they both knew that. The scepter meant everything to Loki and if it meant baby snatching to get it back then he'd do it. 

Well, he had...

Steve started the bike. "Lil..." 

"I'm putting a bullet into that bitch Steve! After the shit she gave you! Gave us! I'm doing it, they can lock me up if they want but it'll be worth it". 

There was no reasoning with her and he felt her hands slide around his waist as she held onto him, everyone beginning to ride out of the trailer park and roar out of Redbanks and onto the open road. 


Peggy looked at the baby and then at Loki. "Is this supposed to impress me?" 

"We had a deal..." 

"We had a deal that you'd bring me Steve, not his fucking offspring...urgh, just look at it" She made a face of disgust. 

Loki rolled his eyes. "It's his weakness...he'll come..."

"And he'll bring back up" Peggy now summoned Walker. "Might wanna keep a lookout, because this idiot has decided to bring every fucking gang allied with the Avengers here..." 

Walker looked pissed. "We'll handle them, but what do you plan on doing with the kid?" 

"Well it has no interest of mine now, take it away for all I care". Peggy waved Loki away from her and rose from her chair. "And I suppose you want your precious scepter?" 

"Like I said, we had a deal". Loki reminded her. "Rogers is on his way, and you'll have him dead. Give me the scepter and I'll take the little brat with me". 

Walker now poked his head around the door. "They're here..."

Peggy rolled her eyes and snatched the baby from Loki, "Give her to me, He won't try and shoot if his precious spawn is in the way". Storming out of the office and the clubhouse to where the Flag Smashers had their guns already pointed to the gangs now dismounting their bikes. "Looking for this?" She called, the baby now beginning to scream. 

Steve held up his hand to signal for everyone to lower their weapons . "You'd really hurt a baby Peg? It's not your style". 

"No, but it could be - especially as it belongs to you". She smirked. 

"Get your little minions to put the guns down, Just give me the kid and we'll be on our way". 

Peggy shook her head. "Nope...not until you're bleeding out on the ground..." 

Steve sighed. "Well then I'm sorry to disappoint..." 

From behind, Fury and his gang as well as the Guardian's began to attack, Coulson grabbing Ebony and taking her away safely. Things were going to get bloody. 

Guns were drawn and Peggy held her own at Steve's head. "You've dodged bullets before..." 

"Yeah, you being fucking one of them". He fired back.

She chuckled at this. "You killed Sharon..." 

"I never pulled the trigger, you can thank Romanoff for that one". 

He glanced to Natasha and then sighed, taking his gun and emptying the bullets onto the ground, chucking it towards Peggy. Now he looked at her sadly. "I'm not gonna kill ya Peg". 

Her eyes went from the empty gun and bullets on the ground, to him. "I always knew you were a weak arsed excuse for a man. Never did like getting your hands too dirty did you?" 

Steve looked at her. "I'm not gonna kill ya...but she will..." 

With a swift move to the side a gunshot sounded, Peggy staggering back before falling to the ground. 

Lilith walked through the chaos that now broke out, not caring if she was hit and then crouched down beside Peggy, who was bleeding out pro-furiously. "That's what you get for messing with me and my family you little bitch"  She hissed and watched as the life drained from her, Lilith wanting to be the only face Peggy saw as she finally took her last breath.  

The Flag Smashers were now retreating once more, outnumbered - and boy did they know it. 

Thor made a beeline for Loki, who now had his beloved scepter back, however his brother took back with a nod to him and then sped off, leaving the chaos in his wake as usual. 

Steve appeared beside Thor, both of them watching Loki disappear in a cloud of dust. "He'll be true to his word. We won't ever have to see him again..." Thor spoke after a few moments. "Once again leaving us to clear up his shit". 

 "He comes back? I'm not gonna be as reasonable". The Avenger leader spoke. 

"You and I both...I'm gonna bring my hammer so hard down on that head of his..." He was cut off as Lilith now walked towards them. "She demon...the little one is safe with Coulson, he's taken her back to the trailer park..." 

Lilith nodded. "Carter's dead, Flag Smashers have run, we're done here", and without another word she headed to the bikes. 

Thor looked at Steve. "Was that an order?" 

"STEVEN!" Lilith snapped 

Steve cursed under his breath and then nodded to Thor. "That was an order...round everyone up, we're going home". 

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now