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Steve held Ebony close to his chest as she wailed and wailed, her little face red from crying. "Ok kid let's settle down, mommy's gone to get you some drugs that will bring this temperature right down". He soothed.

He was surprised that his daughter was still awake given that she'd spent most of the night screaming. Bruce had checked her over but all she had was a fever that wouldn't shake. Lilith had headed to the pharmacy to go pick up some more medicine that he'd recommended, leaving Steve to deal with the screaming and to try and console the baby as best he could.

"Thaaaat's it, you're just gonna make yourself feel even more shit if you keep up with the screaming". He bobbed her up and down, kissing her warm head as she fidgeted but soon began to calm in his arms.
Even as he held her to his own skin he could feel how hot her little body was. Lilith had stripped her down to cool her before she'd left in the hopes that it would help.
Steve had no idea as to how he would help but trying to calm her seemed to be the only way. "There we go, trust me feeling hot is the least of your worries in life". He pressed his lips to her head, Ebony still grizzling but seemingly calmer.

Lilith returned not long after and held up the bottle of medicine to him. "Is she awake still?"

He glanced down at their daughter. "Kinda, she's worn herself out if anything - clearly gets her stamina from you".

"I'll quickly give her this and then put her down to nap". She said tiredly, "we'll have to take her to the bar tonight, I can't ask Laura to have her when she's like this".

"We'll stick her in the office and just keep checking on her". He replied. "Either that or you can stay here".'

"I already told Nat I'd take tonight's shift, I can't ditch her this late in the day".

Steve manoeuvred Ebony around so Lilith could quickly give her some medicine. The baby spluttered and began to cry once more after she'd swallowed it. "Shhhhhhhhh". He turned her back and held her close, looking to his wife who looked exhausted. "Go lay down, I'll get her off to sleep and keep an eye on her. You've spent most of the night with her". Planting a kiss on her lips.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine, she's almost asleep anyway". Now settling on the sofa with Ebony and laying down.

Lilith yawned and didn't argue, she was too tired and would gladly take the opportunity of getting some sleep while Steve took over.
Leaning down and giving him a long kiss, she retreated to the bedroom while he lay there gently soothing Ebony until she was finally settled and asleep.

"At least I can pacify you just like your mom". He smirked as he told the sleeping child. "In different ways of course". Feeling his eyes grow heavy, his arms wrapped around his daughter more, falling asleep not too long after.


Feeling refreshed later that evening, the three of them set off to the bar, Ebony still a little under the weather but improved from earlier. Now she lay sleeping in her travel cot in the office, with both Steve and Lilith checking on her frequently.

"Where's Parker?" Lilith asked as Gwen came back with a tray full of empty glasses and bottles.

"Engine on the bike was causing trouble. So he stayed behind to work on it. He said it shouldn't take too long". Gwen replied, now checking her watch. "I'd have thought he'd have been done by now though".

Bucky shrugged. "Depends on the fault - sometimes it can take some time".

"I'll call him, see where he is". Gwen replied, plucking her phone from her pocket and scrolling to find Peter's number. She glanced at Bucky. "He usually picks up?"

"Probably covered in grease or some shit like that. I'm sure he's fine". He waved it off, then noting the FaceTime request. "See? What I tell you?"

Gwen smiled and slid the button across, her face falling as she saw a beat up Peter with John and a few others on the screen. All of them at the lookout. "Peter can't come to the phone right now". 

Bucky immediately snatched the phone. "Hey John! Bad idea to take the kid for a field trip you piece of shit". By now Steve was by his side and rolled his eyes.

"Is this really the best you can do John?"

"We just wanted to have a chat. He's been telling us all about his little girlfriend, haven't you?" John chuckled as one of his men now punched Peter in the stomach while a couple of others restrained him.

"Steve...." He choked out, "don't....they want Gwen..."

Steve took the phone from Bucky. "And why would you want a seventeen year old girl? Someone your age not cutting it for you?" He now asked John.

The flag smasher leader smirked. "We have a contract to fulfil. You don't hand us the girl over within the hour? This little prick gets thrown over the reach".

"A simple threat".

"Ok then, I'll make it easier for you - you bring your buddies and we see this out, gang to gang. All of you, no one gets left behind". John stated.

Ateve glared. "We'll see you in a half hour. Touch another hair on that kid's head and it'll be you who I'll be throwing over the reach".

"Scary words...let's see if you get your moment to shine Rogers". John grinned and looked back at Peter. "Say bye bye to your besties - we're gonna be seeing them real soon".

"Steve, no...don't - just let me deal with me, it's..." the FaceTime ended and Steve now summoned everyone. "Lil, you need to stay here with Ebony, keep Gwen here too - like fuck we're getting her caught up in all this. The rest of you? Assemble!" He now ordered, the gang making their way out to their bikes and the sound of engines started up one by one.

Lilith nodded to him. "Go get that kid back. Just don't get yourself killed".

He smirked. "I ain't dying on you yet demon". Pulling her in for a long kiss. "Be back before you know it", and then pushing the doors open and leaving. The bikes now all roaring out of the parking lot.

Lilith slid a drink over to Gwen after pouring some serum into it sometime later on. "Drink this. Everything will be ok, they'll bring him back. Like hell are they gonna let him die at the hands of the flag fuckers".

"But why would they want me?"

"I don't know". Lilith replied, hearing a bike outside and going to look out of the window.
Dismounting was a woman clad in black - and she looked anything but an ally. Hurrying away, she grabbed Gwen and pulled her along. "Take Ebony and go lock yourself in the store room, make sure she's got her pacifier in at all times and try to make no noise". She quickly ushered her out the back, plucking up the baby and giving her to the teen - now showing her into the store room.

"Wait, what's going on?" The blonde asked, confused as she now looked at the sleeping infant that she had been handed.

Lilith flicked the safety catch off her gun. "Trouble and it's right outside the damn door".

Redbanks: Wicked Ones (Biker!SteveRogers AU) - 3Where stories live. Discover now