1 - Lies

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"Yeonjun where are you going?"

"I'm meeting a friend, why?"

"What do you mean you're meeting a friend? We're supposed to go on a date later on tonight."

"Well... I'm sorry Y/N. I'm going to have to cancel our date then. It's been so long since I saw him."

'What? Him? Is the person he's meeting a boy?' You thought

"W-wait... him?"

"Yes. He's a boy."

"Where'd you met him"

"U-uh... uhm... at c-college yeah college mhm!"

"Oh... well have fun then!"

"Yeah thank you, see you."

"Yeah see you too! I love you!"


'Yeah? What does he mean yeah? Why didn't he say it back? Does he not love me anymore? Is he avoiding me? Is this his way of telling me he doesn't like me? Wait... i-is he cheating on- no! He would never do that to me! What are you thinking Y/N? Are you crazy? This is why you shouldn't overthink.'

And that was the last word he said before not coming home. He didn't even leave a message informing me that he would go home late, nor not go home at all.

Me and Yeonjun always have been close. We are dating for over a year already. Why is he suddenly acting like this all of the sudden? It hurts when all I can do is just wait here, a literal sitting duck.


'Finally, I thought I could never get away from that bitch.' I thought while walking to my parent's house.

Why am I going there? Well my parents called me for dinner, of course, telling me to not invite my boyfriend.

Truth is, I hate him. But... I also love him. I don't understand myself either. I love him but recently I started to get annoyed and mad at him for no reason. Any little thing he does bothers me.

I finally arrived at my parent's house.

I knocked at the door and went inside and I was immediatley greeted by my parents.

"Hi son! It's good to finally meet you!"

"It's good to meet you again mom."

"Come, come! I have a guest waiting for you." She said while leading me to the living room.

"What? What guest? Who is it- wait...

G-gyu? Is that you?

(Three hundred eighty-four words)

Where Are You Going? (Choi Yeonjun x Male Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now