8 - Too Much

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This a long one, so buckle up, we're going shopping.

They both got into Y/N and may I add, Yeonjun's house.

Y/N lead Soobin (I almost typed Yeonjun LMAO) to the living room.

"I-I'm going to take a quick shower. There is some left over pizza in the fridge. I had them at lunch time. You can heat them up at the microwave. Go get some if you're hungry."

"Thanks Y/N."

"No problem."

Y/N headed off to the shower and Soobin sat at the couch.

Y/N's phone (That was on the coffee table) dinged. Soobin brushed it off since it wasn't his business and he didn't want to invade Y/N's privacy.

It dinged again. And again. And again. And again.

The burning urge to vigorously grab that phone and check the notification bar getting way out of handle for Soobin.

More dings later, Soobin finally couldn't take it anymore.

He grabbed the phone harshly and checked it.

13 missed calls from Loml💗
10 messages from Loml 💗

Y/N I'm sorry
Y/N answer me please
I'm so so sorry I'm so stupid
Answer me Y/N
I'm sorry
I messed up
Atleast please let me apologize
Pick up please
- Swipe to see more -

This made Soobin's eyebrows furrow in anger.

'Does this man truly have no shame? He cheated on an angel and he does this? What a bitch.' Soobin thought.

He placed the phone down and layed his back on the sofa.

"I swear that man will pay." He slightly mumbled.


Y/N's thoughts were nothing but this boy named Yeonjun. He couldn't stop thinking of him. You would think that he would be mad at Yeonjun, but no, he's just sad. No, sad is an understatement, nor depressed, he was truly devastated.

He sighed once more and turned off the shower. He got out of the shower and dried himself. He looked at himself at the mirror, looking at his face. There were huge eyebags that were caused by all those sleepless nights thinking, missing, and waiting for Yeonjun.

He soon got changed and got out of the bathroom. He headed towards the living room to see Soobin.

Soobin quickly noticed the boy's presence and looked at his direction.

He flashed a bright smile and stood, going to Y/N.

"Hello Y/N."


"Do you still want me to sleep with you? I know who you are and sometimes you don't mean what you say." Soobin playfully said, he accompanied it with a short giggle.

Y/N playfully punched Soobin in the arm which he earned a groan.

"Ow! That hurts! O-okay okay! I'm sorry!"

After sometime chatting with eachother, they finally decided to go to sleep.

How was it, you may ask? Well it's simple. Just one word.


Y/N got on the bed first, he watched Soobin literally just awkwardly standing by the doorway, looking at

"What the actual fuck are you doing the standing there, Soobin? Come here!"

'Oh my God am I literally sleeping with THE (LAST NAME) Y/N?! IS THIS REAL?!' Soobin thought.

Not believing anything happening right now, Soobin spanked himself at the face- soft enough that it didn't hurt- but also hard enough for him to feel something.


"What the fuck Soobin? Are you okay? Why did you spank yourself?"

"Oh my God, it is real." Soobin said with a suprised pikachu face.

"What's real?"

Soobin finally got back to his senses.

"O-oh. Nothing."

"Sure... TOTALLY believe that mhm... TOTALLY..." Y/N said, emphasizing the O's in the Totally."

Soobin hesitantly walked over at Y/N.

(I use the word hesitant/hesitantly WAYYYYYY too much 😭.)

Before he could even properly settle down, Y/N immediatly hugged him, cuddling with him.

Soobin was so suprised and flustered at the sametime, to the point where he's just... frozen.


Soon after, Y/N fell asleep. Soobin was still wide awake, obviously still flustered.

He sighed lightly and looked at the sleeping boy.

"Why do I still like you, Y/N?"

He said, not realizing he's talking out loud.

"Why do I still like you? After years and years of liking you, and you going in and out of relationships, you'd think I had moved on already, right?"

He sighed once again.

"Ofcourse not. I still like you Y/N. I still love you... so much."

"I want to treat you better than anyone has ever treated you, but chances of us being together is zero."

At this point, tears were starting to form on Soobin's eyes, falling to his flustered cheeks.

"'C-cause...'cause you still love Yeonjun so much even after what he has done to you."

"And all I can do is... be filled with jealousy, anger, and sadness."

"Gosh... I like you too much."

(Eight hundred and sixteen words)


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