19 - End

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"Beomgyu?! What are you doing here!"

"What do you-"

"This is my house! Where's Yeonjun?"

"Oh, Yeonjun? He's asleep."

"Let me go inside I need to talk to-"


"What?! This is my house, do you know that?!"

"Yeonjun's really tired from last night. He needs alot of rest."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well, you see, me and Yeonjun had sex last night-"

"Beomgyu I didn't come here to listen to your made up bullshit! Yeonjun would never do that to me!"

"Really? You really think he wouldn't?" Beomgyu laughed at Y/N's face, "Come on Y/N, he cheated on you! With me! What makes you think he wouldn't do it again, huh? He doesn't love you anymore! So I suggest you to just go away! Never come back! Yeah?"

"No...n-no! Yeonjun would never do that again! He... he promised! He promised to me!"

"Well I'm sorry but he clearly doesn't mean it. Now go away! Annoying piece of shit."

Beomgyu glared at the poor boy before vigorously slamming the door shut, not forgetting to let out an eye roll before doing so.

At this point, Y/N was sitting at the door mat; crying his eyes out, not caring how loud he is. It has come to the point where even neighbors can hear him, even though the houses are separated to a decent distance.


Yeonjun woke up to yelling. He brushed it off since he thought it was just his neighbors. But curiosity got the best of him so he got up and went down to see for himself.

But he was too late.

He saw Beomgyu harshly slamming the door before looking at his direction, immediately changing his expression.

"Beomgyu?! What're you doing here in my house?!"

"W-well... I came to visit?!"

"What?! Is that why I hear yelling? What are you doing? Why'd you slam the door close?"


"Get out-"

"Y-yeonjun please... please give me a chance! Give us a chance! We still can be together!"

"No Beomgyu we can't-"


"'Cause I love Y/N! Ok?! I don't like you! Get out of my house! I'm already in the process of making up to Y/N! I want yo be with HIM! Not YOU! Is that really hard to understand?!"

"...You're too late now Yeonjun."

"What...what do you mean?"

Beomgyu went to the living room, Yeonjun followed. Beomgyu opened his bag to get his phone and showed Yeonjun the video of "Yeonjun" telling Beomgyu they are getting married.

"What is this? Beomgyu what did you do!"

"...I made a video with someone that sounds like you...a-and made them say that. I sent it to Y/N and Soobin-"

"Why?! Why did you do that?!"

"'Cause Yeonjun! You belong to me! We are meant for eachother!"

"Delete it."

"Too late. They already saw it."

It was true though. It really is too late. Y/N already saw it and that video was too real. If he explained it, there is no way Y/N would believe it.

Yeonjun suddenly collapsed to the floor, crying.

Beomgyu quickly went to him, hugging him to comfory him. But before he could even lay a finger;

"Get off me you psychopath! You are so heartless! Why can't you just listen to me?! Why do you have to do that?! Do you really think I'd be with you after you do that?! Are you crazy?!"

"...I'm sorry-"

"Sorry isn't enough! I need you to go to Y/N and tell him everything you've done!"



"I-I wont. Yeonjun Y/N doesn't love you already just be with me-"

"Get out."

"No Yeonjun-"

"I said get out while I'm still asking nicely."

Beomgyu had no choice, so he decided to leave.

Yeonjun can't think of nothing else but: Is this it? Is this the end? Is this the end of him and Y/N?

(Six hundred and fifty-four words)

So... this book is actually coming to an end in the next chapter. Screw what I said about this having 25-30 chapters, that wont happen.

Well, goodbye?

Not proof read! DO NOT hesitate to correct me in the comments.

Where Are You Going? (Choi Yeonjun x Male Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now