15 - I miss you every second

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"Hello, Y/N? Did I wake you up?"

"No, you didn't. Why'd you call, Yeonjun?"

"Well... are you free tommorrow?"

"...I think. Why?"

"Uh... I was wondering... may I take you somewhere? Like can we hang out?"

Y/N was about to say no but he remembered that Yeonjun is trying to prove himself. He's trying to show Y/N that he still loves him. So, with a sigh, he said;

"...Sure. Where are you taking me?"

"It's a secret."

"Oh come on, you know I don't like secrets!"

"Well too bad!"

"Give me atleast a hint? Please?"

"Fine. Okay, so actually, we're going to three places."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. So one, we I'll take you out for brunch-"


"It's a secret. Two, we'll be doing something that invloves water."

"Ooh! Are we going swimming? Fishing? What is it what is it!"

"Secret~. Okay and for the last one, we'll have dinner."

"Sounds good!"

"Great! Does 11:30 am sound good?"


"Okay. Goodnight, Y/N. See you soon."

"Goodnight, Yeonjun."

"I love you." But he was too late. Y/N already hung up the call, making Y/N not hear it.

Atleast tonight, Yeonjun will be able to sleep with a smile on his face.


"Well that was sudden. Atleast he's putting effort." Y/N said while getting on his bed to sleep.

Beforw he could put the sheets over him, Soobin called him.

"Hello, Bin?"

"Hi Y/N."

"Why'd you call?"

"Do you want to hang out tommorrow? I miss you~!"

Y/N chuckled at Soobin's clingliness. Soobin never fails to amaze him.

"We hung out yesterday, and yet you already miss me?"

"I miss you every second."

Y/N was just smiling, he was about to say yes but then he remembered he made plans with Yeonjun."

"Oh no..."


"Bin, I don't think I could hang out with you tommorrow."


"I made plans with Yeonjun."


(Three hundred and twenty two words)

This is sort of like a filler... kinda.
So it's more boring, nothung really happens here.

Not proof read btw! Please don't hesitate to correct me in the comments.

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