7 - Stay

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"Y/N, we're here." Soobin sighed before saying.

The ride to Y/N's house after Soobin calmed him down was filled with nothing but the sound of the air conditioner. Soobin didn't want to play the radio since he thought it would be awkward and weird in some way.

Y/N opened the door and exited the vehicle, Soobin quickly followed.

They walked on the pathway together in complete silence.

They finally arrived at the front of the door. They looked at eachothers eyes for a solid 5 seconds, until Y/N broke it by looking at the ground.

Soobin didn't know what to do. Should he leave? Should he stay? But I guess at that moment, his first instincts was to give Y/N some space.

"I... I'll get going now Y/N. I hope you feel better." Soobin said and left.

He was about to go to his car but then Y/N suddenly called him.


"C-can... can..."

"What is it Y/N?"

Y/N sighed. He didn't know if he was asking for too much.

After a few moments of silence, Soobin started growing impatient.

"Y/N, you can tell me. You don't need to hesitate, okay?" Soobin said, reaching out to warm up Y/N's cold hands. They used to be warm, but right now, it isn't.

(What is this bullshit I'm typing 💀😭)



Still holding Y/N's hands, Y/N looked up to stare at Soobin's eyes.

"Can you... can you uhh... stay o-over and sl- uh sleep with me? I want someone to cuddle with right now..."

Y/N stated with full hesitance. Those two buchered sentences were enough for Soobin's eyes to widen in shock and his blood run up to his cheeks. He truly didn't expect this from him.

"... It's okay if you don't want to-"

"No! I-I want to. I mean, how could I say no to you?" Soobin said with a huge smile.

That smile made Y/N feel things he never felt before. Like butterflies in his stomach, longing to be wild and free.

"Thank you."

(Three Hundred and Fifty-five words)

I don't what I made I just felt so uwu and soft at the moment 💀

Also sorry if it's boring :|

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