5.1 - Made for Eachother

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(This is the first half, the second will be out soon.)

They soon arrived at Yeonjun's parent's house. The ride on the way there was... interesting. Well, judging by their relationship recently, I guess you can say it was predictable or expected.

Y/N was the only one trying to put effort into making conversations. He would think about topics that usually makes them have a long conversation, but Yeonjun only replied with short sentences or phrases... fuck, he sometimes doesn't reply to Y/N.

They knocked at the door but they still had to wait a little bit to go inside.

Y/N could've sworn he heard someone other than Yeonjun's parents talk.

'Maybe they have a guest over? Yeah maybe that's it.' Y/N thought to himself.

His thoughts were stopped when the door was opened by a very smiley woman which was Yeonjun's mother. But that smile quickly transitioned into a slight frown when she saw Y/N.

"Hello Yeonjun!... Hello to you too...
Y/N. Sorry to keep you waiting, come on in!"

We were walking towards the dining room but I stopped when I saw a boy.

He looked good. He looked exactly like Yeonjun's type, something I will never be.

"Y/N, this is Beomgyu, Yeonjun's ex boyfriend. He's here to have dinner with us today!" Yeonjun's mother said to me, emphasizing the word "ex".

He gave me a smile, a very sarcastic one. I can tell he dislikes me.

I still tried to be polite since I'm not that petty. I sat down beside Yeonjun who was talking to Beomgyu.

"So... Y/N, right?" Beomgyu asked me, which I replied with a slow nod.

"Well I was wondering... how did you and Yeonjun meet?"

"I uh... I met him at college."

"Ohhh, that makes sense. Me and Yeonjun met at a coffee shop. We talked alot and we felt a connection you know? So we started dating- oh right! Did I mention I was his ex?"

"Uh no... but mrs. Choi mentioned you were."

"Oh... ok!"

The table was silent after that. Yeonjun and his parents could feel the tension. Yeonjun could also feel Y/N's nervousness, so he looked at him with reassuring eyes, telling him all would be fine.

"Don't worry Y/N. I wont steal him from you!" Beomgyu broke the silence.

"I didn't ask you." Y/N mumbled which luckily no one heard... Well except for Yeonjun.

"What was that?" Yeonjun's father asked.

"I-it was nothing sir."


They got up from the table after thet were done eating. Everyone was talking except Y/N. Beomgyu left short glances at Y/N that he definetly felt.

They all settled at the couch.

"Hey may I excuse myself? I have to go to the bathroom." Beomgyu asked for permission which Yeonjun's parents clearly accepts.

Shortly after that Yeonjun got up the couch, saying he has something to get.

Me and Yeonjun's parents were left alone.

"Honey, isn't Yeonjun and Beomgyu so cute together? I can't believe they broke up! They were so compatible and perfect for eachother!" Mr. Choi suddenly spoke up.

"Yes! I agree! They are literally made for eachother!" Mrs. Choi said before looking at Y/N straight in the eyes.

"Right Y/N?"

I had no words to speak. They knew me and Yeonjun were in a relationship. What do I say? Do I agree? Do I not?

"Y-yeah." Was all I can say.

I started to doubt us again. I thought about what we are and who I was to him. Does he even like me anymore? I suddenly had to pee, so I excused myself and headed to the restroom, forgetting that Beomgyu was still in their, or so I thought.

I was walking through the hallway but then I saw Yeonjun and Beomgyu...


(Six hundred and thirty four words)

(Sorry, I had to cut it off like that LOL. The next part will be out soon.)

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