16.1 - Only You

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Y/N looked at himself in the mirror once more before deciding to put on more lipstick on.

As he finished, he recieved a text message from Yeonjun, telling him he's near.

So, after some time, Yeonjun finally arrived and picked up Y/N off of the motel he's currently staying at.

"Hi, Y/N. How are you?"

"I'm good."

As Y/N finished up settling in, he looked up to see Yeonjun whom was staring at him the whole time with a curious expression.

"Why're you staring at me? Do you have something to ask?"

"Who can resist staring at such a beautiful person?"

Y/N is a sucker for compliments, and Yeonjun knew this. So, he compliments him all the time when they were still fine. And never once did it not cause
Y/N to blush. Even now, he's blushing, turning to a darker shade of red every second.

"...But there is a question lingering in my mind..." He said while starting the car.

"Go on."

"Why are you staying at a motel? We have a whole-ass mansion, why stay at a motel?"

"Isn't it obvious?"


"...I-I... ever since you... you cheated on me... I couldn't stand seeing you, even in pictures. Everytime I see you- or just think about you, memories of that day rushes back into my mind, causing me to have a mental breakdown. So, I just decided to not live with you. A-and I could've slayed with Soobin (LOL I typed slayed instead of stayed HAHA now I don't want to erase it.) but I'm sure I'd just be a burden to him, even though he keeps telling me I wouldn't be. So, my only choice left was to... y'know... stay at a motel- well, atleast for now."

"...How about now? We're talking and you're seeing me."

"Well, I decided that I should just stay strong instead if doing nothing, 'cause that would bring me no where. And I also decided to give you a chance, for the last time."

"I'm glad you chose that. And Y/N, I promise, I wont let your efforts go to waste. I'll prove myself, that I still love you, I still want you. And again, if you still wont be with me, then I wont force it."

"Thank you. But, do you mean that?"

"Did I stutter?"


As if it was desitined to happen, Yeonjun stopped at the red light, giving him a chance to hold Y/N's hand, while giving him a sincere, bright smile.

"I really mean it, Y/N. I want to live my life with you. I want to love YOU and ONLY YOU. So please," he held Y/N's hand even tighter. "Please don't take that chance away from me. 'Cause that chance decides my fate."


"I made plans with Yeonjun."


"He asked me to hang out. So I said yes."

"Are you sure about this?"

"...I think so."

"What do you mean you think so? Y/N this serious! He could cheat on you again-"

"No, Bin, listen. I think he really means it this time. I think he actually wants to fix his mistakes and make up."

"Sigh, I just hope he really means it. I hope you made the right decision. And
Y/N, if you ever see signs, cut him off, immediately."

"Yes. I have to sleep Bin, goodnight."

"Goodluck Y/N, I hope everything goes well. Goodnight."


"Yeonjun, this place is amazing!"

"Right? I saw it on the internet last week. I thought it was really cool. It also had great reviews so I said, why not? And here we are." Yeonjun finished it with a light giggle.

They are at a cute cafe, that is open and has a garden surrounding it. It had cherry blossom trees, fields of flowers, and not to forget, really yummy food and coffee. It was the perfect place.

They finished ordering and went to the garden since the food isn't ready yet. They explored the fields while having a conversation about all sorts of things.

The food was also really good. The whole time, Y/N was just leaving out Mmm!'s every time he took a bite. And Yeonjun couldn't help but chuckle at the cute boy. Yeonjun managed to steal a quick picture of the boy, happily eating his food.

(Seven hundred and fourty words)

This chapter is split into 3 (Three) parts.

This supposed to be split into four but eh

Not proof read! Please DO NOT hesitate to correct me in the comments.

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