9 - For You

452 23 36

Y/N woke up with a headache, even though he didn't drink any alcohol.

He was about to hug Soobin but his pair of hands only met a cold, soft pillow.

"Huh?" Y/N wondered where Soobin is.

'Did he leave already? He could've woken me up and told me he was leaving. Oh well, him comforting me is already enough.' He thought.

He got up and went to the bathroom to freshen himself up. He then headed to the kitchen since he was starving.

"...Huh? Wait... Soobin? What are you doing?"

"Oh! You're awake. Goodmorning Y/N. I'm cooking breakfast, I hope you don't mind."

"No I don't mind at all... I thought you left already so I was suprised."

"Why would I leave you?"

Soobin turned off the stove and brought the food he made to the table.

Y/N saw what he made and immediately, his eyes widened and his mood brightened up.

"I made *Your favourite food*, I hope you like it."


Y/N sat down and ate the food Soobin made.

(I almost typed "ate Soobin" LMAO)

"A-aren't you going to eat?"

"No, I'm good. I made that for you."

"No! Come on, this is too much for me-"

"No it's fine-"

Before he could even finish, he was dragged down and was forced to sit by Y/N.

"Go on, eat with me."

He sighed and just decided to eat with Y/N.


"Are you sure you don't want to stay here? You could-" Yeonjun's mom was cutoff.

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry, I'll visit from time to time." Yeonjun said and left the house. (Thank you buttersmama for helping me, I appreciate you so much!)

The events that occured last night was a lot for him, now he felt even more guilty thinking what it's like for Y/N.

He wanted to make up for his mistakes, so he decided to go to their house. Ofcourse, he knew his parents would oppose on the idea of Yeonjun coming back to Y/N, so, he lied and said that he's going to find a place to stay at.

Where's Beomgyu, you may ask? Well, he had to go home since he was just having dinner there.


Y/N and Soobin was done eating, they decided they would just chill in the living room and watch the TV.

"Hey Bin, aren't you living with your sister? Isn't she going to be worried and wonder where you are right now?"

"Oh, no no, I'm not living with my sister anymore. I moved out like... two months ago? Maybe three? I don't know, I don't remember." Soobin giggled.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me then? I don't recall you saying that to me."

"...Y-yes I did!"

"No... you didn't."

"I'm like 100% sure I told you."

"I swear you didn't tell me!"

"Yes I did!"

"No you did not-"

Their arguement- well let's consider it an arguement, was cutoff by the door opening.

They both looked at the doorway and was shocked by who came in.


(Four hundred and eighty six words)

I'm starting school tommorrow :(( I wont update alot anymore 😞 But I'll try to update as much as possible!

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