14 - You

337 17 19

I try to forget about you

I try to distract myself; doing anything in my power to not think of and about you

But no matter how hard I try,

No matter how hard I row,

Rivers of thoughts about you prevents me from moving on.

My boat can only move with you

My life can only be shared with you.


I just hope you still love me

And make an effort.

'Cause I still love you

I really do.


"Hello, Kai?"

"Hey Yeonjun! Why'd you call?"

"I was wondering- uh... do you know where Y/N is?"

"What? Don't you have Y/N's number? Why are you asking me?"


"Nevermind- actually Y/N is with me right now. We're hanging out today."

"Oh really? May I... may I talk to him?"

"Sure, wait."

Kai ran back inside his house and went to his living room where Y/N lies.



"Yeonjun wants to talk to you."

Kai said, pointing at his phone

Kai still doesn't know what's going on between the two, so he's really confused right now.

Since Y/N didn't want to make things awkward, he just picked the phone up with a sigh.

"Hello, Yeonjun?"

"H-hello! Y/N! How are you?"

"I'm... I'm doing fine, how about you?"

"It's been... different..."

"I see..."

A wave of silence brushed over the two, they could feel the awkwardness, even though they are not facing eachother.

"L-look, Y/N, I want to make up for what I've done to you. I want- no, I NEED you to give me a chance... t-to make things right. And if you still can't forgive me... then... it's fine. I completely understand. I just hope we still can stay as friends."

"...O-okay. I'll give you a chance. But if you do something stupid, I'll cut the strings right away. I wont wait anymore."

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance."

"You're welcome."

Y/N ended the call and looked at Kai whom had an inquisitive face.

"Okay... this is worrying. What exactly happened to you two?"

"You still don't know?"

"...No... Should I?"

"Sigh, Yeonjun cheated on me and he wants me to give him a chance."



"Honestly... I'm not suprised."

"You- what?"

"Mhm, Yeonjun is a walking red flag. You're relationship only took of for the first month. After that, y'all were more like friends instead of y'know... lovers? I'm suprised you didn't break up with him sooner."

"Damn... even you knew?... Is it actually that obvious?"

"Yeah... it is."

"What do you think?"


"Should I give him a chance?"

"...Well... what I would do is make him prove himself. If he still wants you and loves you. You need to see if he's geniuine and if he actually wants you back. And also be careful, once a cheater, always a cheater."


(Four hundred and eighty-four words)

Lol sorry for not updating.
I tried to use all of my brain power for this one 😭.

Not proof read btw! Please do not hesitate to correct me if there is mistakes.

Where Are You Going? (Choi Yeonjun x Male Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now