16.2 - Love

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"Yeonjun, just tell me where we're going!"

"Stay patient and I promise it'll be worth the wait, hm?"

"Why wont you tell me?" Y/N makes Yeonjun think Y/N has bipolar disorder. A few minutes ago he was calm, cute, soft, and smiley. Now, he's acting like a brat. He can't wait and he wanted to know where they're going.

"My prince, stop acting like a brat, please? If you act better you'll get way more than you're getting."


"We're here!"

As soon as Yeonjun said that, he immediately looked at his window.


Yeonjun just can't get enough of Y/N. He's just too cute. He keeps giggling at his cuteness since it's the only way he can cope with it.

"Yes, we are. I remembered how much you wanted to go here. Do you like it?"



"Woah it's my first time seeing these in real life... what are these called again?"

"That's a blue marlin. It's one if the largest species of fish. It's also one of the fastest!"

"Really? I thought this was a swordfish. What's their difference? They look... the same."

"Well, swordfish are more round than the marlin. They also have different dorsal fins. The swordfish one is more like a sharks."

"Cool- wait, what is that one?"

"Wait... what is that?"


"I didn't know they sell food here."

"I didn't either. It's highkey messed up that they sell some fish options here."

"I know- Wait are those seal plushies?!"

"They are, do you want one?"


"Okay, I'll get one for you."

"Just buy the smallest size."

Yeonjun left the food court and went to the store. Y/N did say he wanted the smallest one, he somehow bought the largest one... which is the size of a toddler.

As Yeonjun grew nearer, Y/N also saw how big the stuffed toy was. Didn't he say he wanted the smallest one?

'No way that's the smallest.'

"Hi! Here."

"Didn't I say to buy the smallest one?"

"T-this is the smallest one."

"No way! This is the size of a toddler!"

"W-well the store said i-it's the smallest so..."

"This is no where near close the size of stuffed toy I saw displayed. How much was this?"

"Just $120 dollars. Pretty cheap, I honestly think it's a steal."


"Shh, just let me spoil you. What do you want? Should I order more food?"

"Wont you get like... poor?"

"Come on Y/N, you saw how much money is in my bank account."

"I still feel bad."

"Don't. This is my treat for you. This place isn't even the main course yet."

"If you get broke, don't blame it on me."

"Whatever you say, love."

(Four hundred and eighty words)

And as usual, this isn't proof read LMAO

Don't hesitate to correct me in the comments!

Where Are You Going? (Choi Yeonjun x Male Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now