16.3 - Perfect

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"Check the glove."


"Just check it."

Y/N looked at the glove and then looked at Yeonjun one more time before opening the glove.

(For those who don't know, the glove is a part of a car where like you can store things. It's also called a storage compartment. Just search it up on google or something LMAO.)

He opened it, only to reveal a small-ish-wooden chest.

He looked up at Yeonjun in confusion.

"What is this?"

"Open it."

He opened it, and immediately, it made memories rush through his brain.

The small chest-like box contained polaroid selfies Yeonjun took of Y/N and him. He wrote the dates on each one of them and where the photo took place.

Y/N still wasn't speaking since he was still in pure shock. Who knew selfies could be so overwhelming?

Since Y/N wasn't speaking, Yeonjun thought he was confused. So, he decided to explain.

"Those are polaroid selfies I took using the polaroid camera you gave me in our first anniversary. Each of them are arranged from most recent to most old. They have their dates written on them."

Still, Y/N wasn't speaking. And this made Yeonjun think he didn't like the gift.

"D-do you not like it? I can keep it if you-"

"No, Yeonjun. This is perfect. I love this so so much. Thank you." Y/N sincerely smiled at him and hugged him.

This made Yeonjun relieved since he thought he messed up or he didn't like it.

"Thank you."


They ate dinner at an expensive restaurant. It was a very peaceful, relaxing, and great dinner. The food was great, the mood of the room was chill, evreything was great.

After the dinner, they decided to go in a little walk before calling it a day. They bought ice cream and had a chill conversation while walking late at night at an almost-empty road.

After they finished, they went back to the parking lot and Yeonjun insisted on taking Y/N home, even though he declined the offer. But after a small arguement, Y/N finally accepted Yeonjun's offer.

"Thanks for dropping me off, Yeonjun. Today was super fun. Thank you again."

"It's my pleasure. And Y/N, thank you also for giving me a chance to take you out today. I had fun, and I'm glad you did too."

"Soo... goodnight?"

"Yeah. goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight. Thank you for today."

Before Y/N could step foot in his house;

"Wait, Y/N!"

Y/N looked at Yeonjun, suprised at the sudden call.

"What is it?"

"May I..."


"I... I may be asking too much but..."

Yeonjun looked at Y/N one last time and decided to just say it.

"May I-"


"Soobin? What are you doing here?"

(Four hundred and seventy one words)

Ew go away Yeonjun- I mean Soobin

Not proof read! Please DO NOT hesitatr to correct me in the comments.

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