6 - Wanted

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"Finally, I thought he would never leave us alone." Beomgyu said while going down the stairs with Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun, Beomgyu, what happened? Why did Y/N run out of the house so sudden?"

"We-" Yeonjun was about to talk but he was interrupted.

"Yeonjun and Y/N broke up!" Beomgyu said and giggled after.

"What?!" Yeonjun's mom and dad both said in unison before looking at eachother.

Their shocked faces were soon replaced to a huge smile.


"Yes. Congratulations, son."

"What? You're congratulating me for my break up?"


"Hey, you guys weren't this happy when I graduated highschool-"

Beomgyu and Yeonjun's father just giggled and followed Yeonjun's mom, while Yeonjun was in pure shock. He just witnessed his family celebrating his break up with Y/N.

Shouldn't he be happy? This is all he wanted. Breaking up with Y/N. But why does he feel... sad?


Y/N was sitting by a bench near Yeonjun's house, crying. All of this was way too much for him to cope with. He wanted to kill himself.

He stared up to the sky. The starry night filled with bright-shining stars, twinkling by the moon. The stars always reminded him of Yeonjun's eyes. So bright and sparkly. And in some weird way, they were somehow shining.

He took one last breath before he got up, but before he could get the chance to lay his feet down the ground, he recieved a call from Soobin.

(A/N: I'm sorry if I'm being too detailed... it's just the way I write sorry.)

"H-hey bin."

"Hey Y/N!" Soobin said before looling at his phone screen. He took his time to observe what was going on on the other line. He then realized Y/N was crying.

"Hey Y/N why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"I-i'm fine hyung."

"Are you sure? Are you in public? D-do you want me to pick you up?"


"Ofcourse Y/N, send me your location right now."


"I don't want to meddle into your bussiness but... why are you crying? Did something happen between you and Yeonjun or something?"

After hearing his name, he immediately broke down. Memories and pictures of him flooded his mind, it's like the only thing he can think of.

"H-hey w-why are you crying? W-wait, I'm sorry-"

"N-no, don't a-apologize." Y/N managed to let out in the middle of his breakdown.

"Okay... you don't need to tell me about-"

"It's fine. You deserve to know."

Y/N took a deep and long breath before talking.

"I found out Yeonjun is- no was and still is cheating on me."


"Yeah, I know. Anyways, we argued a-and then..." he immediately started vigorously sobbing hard, Soobin tried to comfort him. "And then... we... we broke up."

Soobin looked at the hurt boy with pity. How can something so bad happen to a pure, innocent boy?

Soobin parked the car and hesitantly pulled Y/N for a hug. He wanted to protect Y/N from everything. He likes- no loves Y/N way too much.

(Five hundred fourty three words)

Yay! Double update!

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