10 - Toxic

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This is the last update I will release and after this, I wont be uploading for a while.

I start school very soon, I hope you understand.



Yeonjun entered the house and ran to Y/N.

He was about to give Y/N a hug, but he prevented Yeonjun from doing so.

Yeonjun was very shocked by this, since Y/N never declines any affection Yeonjun shows (Since it's so rare.), but what did he expect? He literally cheated on him.

"Y/N. I'm sorry for cheating on you. It was a mistake-"

"Does it even count as a mistake if you keep doing it?"

Yeonjun was painted speechless. He had nothing to say to this, nor did he have any reasonable reason for him to do such a thing.

"Mistakes are only made once, Yeonjun."

"...Just- just Please let me explain. I love you, I truly mean it, but... but I- I also hate you. I don't understand either-"

"If you want me to forgive you, give me an actual reason. Not that bullshit. If you hate me you could've just left-"

"But I love you! I really do!"

"Then why did you fucking cheat on my you bitch?!"

At this point, Y/N was sobbing helplessly. Soobin couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to see a single tear fall off of Y/N's eyes.

"Yeonjun, just leave him alone. This boy is scared of you! You're the reason why he's like this right now. You're literally a trigger to him! If you want to make him feel better, leave hin the fuck alone!"

"Who do you think you are to speak up? This is none of your business!"

"Yeonjun, just please-"

"Get out of my goddamn house! Why are you here in the first place, huh?!"

"I'm comforting your boyfriend, something you never do. All you do to him is make him feel worthless, ugly, and stupid. You-"

Before Soobin could even finish, he felt a sharp pain in his right cheek.

Yeonjun just punched him.

"Don't every say that shit again. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON BETWEEN US!"

"It doesn't take much to know you're toxic. It doesn't take much to know what's going on between you two."

Yeonjun was about to punch Soobin again, but Y/N had enough and prevented him ftom making an impact.

"Yeonjun, just stop! J-just leave me alone! If you want to make it up to me, get out of my sight!"

"Y/N, you forgot that this is also my house. I have every right-"

"Then I'll get out instead!"

Y/N ran out of the property.

"See? He despises you. He's scared of you. So you better just stop."

Soobin gave him one last glare and left off to follow Y/N.

Yeonjun was frozen. He couldn't process what just happened.

(Four hundred and eight words)


I mean not really since I'm still going to update but I wont be back for a while but I'll try to make it not too long.

For now, I'll miss you. 😭
Man fuck school 😭

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